September 11th World Trade Centre Attacks
The twin towers where attacked on september 11th 2001. The total loss of life in this tragic event was almost 3000. -
I was born into the world. -
Saddam Hussein Was Captured
Saddam Hussein was captured on the 13th of december 2003. He was later trialled and found guilty, which lead to his execution in 2006. -
London Won The Bid For the 2012 Olympics
On the 6th of July London was given the bid to host the 2012 Olympics. -
I picked up a baseball at the age of 3. I started playing baseball at the age of 4 starting at t-ball. I learned how to play baseball from my dad and watching my parents play. I have always played baseball ever since then. -
New Horizons Sets Of For Pluto
Launched on the 19th January 2006, Horizons sets out to study Pluto and its moons, it is expected to reach its destination by the 14th July 2015. -
Burj Khalifa Became The World Tallest Building
It currently holds the world record for tallest building, and its easy to see why, when it is over 828 metres (2,716.5 feet) and more than 160 stories high -
Sister Born
My sister is born. -
Great Grandpa Dies
My great grandpas died. He fought Alzheimer's for years. He is who my dad and my grandpa has learned how to hunt which was passed down to me. -
Barack Obama Elected As U.S President
Barack Obama was elected as America's first black president on the 5th November 2008. -
Julian Assange Arrested
Famous for WikiLeaks, a website that published U.S. military and diplomatic documents. He is currently hiding in the Unite Kingdom, inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London. -
Great Grandpa dies
My Great Grandpa died. After battling several battles, he has been a role model. He always had a smile on his face. -
Steve Jobs Passed Away
Apple founder and visionary Steve Jobs passed away on October the 6th, 2011. -
Luxury Cruise Ship Runs Aground In Italy
This luxury cruise ship, the Costa Concordia ran aground killing 32 people. -
Scientists Successfully Clone Human Stem Cells
Scientists make the first embryonic-stem-cell lines from human skin cells, using the same technique that cloned molly the sheep. -
Great Grandma Dies
My great grandma died after battling breast cancer. One of my last memories of her was her eating hot fudge sundae. She only ate the ice cream because she didnt want hot fudge. -
It was my mom and dad's 15th anniversary. They decided to go to Las Vegas. I got to spend two weeks in Nebraska with my grand parents and cousins. We went to the pool everyday. -
Chicago Cubs Win World Series
After 108 years, the Chicago Cubs have finally broke the "Curse of the Billy Goat". The Indians blew a 3-1 lead allowing the Cubs to win the World Series. A cool fact about the game is 1) the lead off hitter, Dexter Flower hit a lead off homerun, 2) all of the catchers scored a run, 3) it went into extra innings. The final score was 8-7. -
Cross Country
I decide to run for Arvada West in Cross Counrty. I have ran before but never trained. A great time to make friends. -
CU vs NE
My first football game at Memorial Stadium. I got to watch the rivalry between Colorado and Nebraska.