This was the day that I came into this life and started my journey to discover who I am as a person . To me it is a special day which celebrates my life on earth with my friends and family. -
Birth of my Brother
This was the day that my brother was born. We used to do everything together, and although we would fight at times, we have gotten better and haven't fought in an extremely long time. We tell each other everything and are straightforward with each other. -
Birth of my sister
This was the day that my sister was born. She is the only girl out of us besides our mom and she takes a lot of advantage of that. She has her own room which is the biggest and the biggest bed while my two siblings and I have to share our own room. Even though she can be crazy at times, she makes the family very fun. -
Joining Gymnastics
When I was young, my cousin and I decided to go into gymnastics because it was a sport that was very common in my family. After a while we made it on a competition team and competed against other. It was such a great time because I would have practice and meets with my cousin so we were never bored. I decided to quit after a few injuries and when I was going into high school. I finished towards the end of 8th grade and finished competing at level 7. -
First Hospital Visit
During this time, I had a very bad case of of strep throat, so I was getting ready for bed and watching a movie when all of a sudden my throat got so clogged that I stopped breathing. It was a very scary moment because I passed out and had to get rushed for the hospital. This was my first hospital visit and it was very scary. -
Death of my Grandma
When I was very young, my grandma passe away and I can barely remember her death. I remember spending a lot of time with the because she lived very close and would always babysit me when my parents needed to go to work. -
Sister Diagnosed With Diabetes
When my sister was around three years old, she was diagnosed with type one diabetes. This was a very transformative day because this impacted our family even to today. We have to constantly look after her and making sure she is treating her body right and not messing it up. This has taught us all to be responsible in order to take care of our family. -
Birth of my Youngest Brother
This was the day that my youngest brother was born. This day is very special to me because me and my brother are vary close and would always play together. He is the sibling that I like the most in the family and is never fighting with anyone. -
Transferring School
When going into fourth grade, my family and I moved to a new house and we had to transfer schools. It was very difficult to leave all my friends behind and move on, but I am very happy that I did because I met my current best friends. -
Meeting my Best Friend
When I moved and had to transfer school, I had to leave some of my old friends behind and find new ones. I'm very happy that I did because I met my best friend Grace. We are always spending time together and having fun. We both have the same sense of humor and make everything around us fun. -
Wrist and Ankle Injuries
For most of my life, I have been competing in gymnastics and would always be injuring myself. I sprained both my wrists and ankles which took me out for a while and I wasn't able to compete for a while. Because of this, I decided to stop and move on because I wouldn't be able to perform the same again. I'm glad I made this decision because it led me to play volleyball which I have a high passion for. -
Going Into High School
I had just recently graduated from 8th grade and I was now on my way to High school. I decided on Taft to be my new school and I am very glad that I did. It has been extremely fun being here with my friends and being so close to home. Although it was a little nerve-wracking at first it has been a great experience and I cant wait for many more adventures to come when at Taft. -
Joining IBDP
For both my freshman and sophomore year of high school I decided to join the IBDP program. This is the highest level at our school, and I would be going into it with my friends with me. Although it was a lot of work and sometimes hard to keep up with, it taught me time management so that I was able to finish everything I was doing in school with my personal life. -
Joining Volleyball
When going into High School, I decided that I was going to tryout for volleyball. I had a starting position on JV and at the end of the year I was moved up to play with varsity. This inspired my to go and play volleyball for a club team outside of school. I am now playing volleyball year round and it has really shaped who I am now. It helped my strengthen my collaboration skills with others and my communication skills which I struggle with the most. -
Playing Varsity
During my sophomore year of volleyball, I got moved up to play varsity and had a starting position on varsity. This made me feel really good about myself and my skills because I beat out 2 seniors and took their spots. This led me to pursue volleyball on my free time and to play it year round. -
Getting My Permit
This was the day that I received my permit. I am very glad to be able to drive now because it has given me a lot more freedom and independence on the road because I am taking care of my life and others around me. I love to drive, I ask every time we go out if I could drive so that I am prepared if I were to get my own car. -
First Job
Towards the end of the last school year I decided to go and get a job so that I had more money that I would be able to use. There is a neighborhood restaurant very close to where I live and my uncle also happiness to own it so he offered me a job to work there. I took him up on his offer and became and busser/runner who cleans tables and bring out the food. I am very happy that I decided to work here because although it is a lot of work, it has taught me a ton of responsibility. -
Receiving My First Pet
This was the day that my family and I got our first dog. Both of my parents used to be against getting a dog but all of a sudden we got one from a breeder. He is a golden doodle and his name is Cooper. When were got him he was just an 8 week old puppy. He is an extremely good dog and barely does anything bad. I love to spend time and to play with him. -
Joining IBCP
For my junior and senior year of high school, I am going to be a part of the IBCP program. This is the level right beneath IBDP and I think it it the perfect fit for me. I am able to manage my time a lot better and I am not drowning in homework like last year. While in IBCP this year so far, I have strengthened my collaboration skills when working with other and communicating with others. -
Death of my Aunt
My aunt lost her life to Melanoma cancer and this was really hard for me since it was my first death that I had experienced since my grandma died and i could barely remember my grandmas death because I was so young. This death was extremely hard because I was very close to my aunt because I would always would spend time with her such as helping her out and going with her to her daughters college basketball games. This taught me to be very grateful for my life that I am living.