personal timeline

  • My birth date

    My birth date
    On February 11, 2006, I was born in North Kansas City Hospital. I was born close to midnight. This is probably the most important day of my life and both of my parents were there, including my family.
  • Period: to

    First Year of Preschool

    When I was 3 years old, I went to preschool for about 2 years until kindergarten.
  • My first gaming device

    At round 7 years old I got my first electronic gaming device, PSP 2. This was important because it was one of my favorite things to do growing up.
  • First Vacation

    First Vacation
    The first vacation that I vividly remember growing up was going to Minnesota. I loved this vacation because we went to the Mall of America, which is one the best attractions ive been to.
  • Graduating elementary school

    Graduating elementary school
    I graduated from elementary school in August of the year 2016. This was an important day of my life because I remember on that day I got my first iphone, which was a pivotal day for me
  • Graduating middle school

    Graduating middle school
    I graduated middle school in the year 2020. This wasn't the greatest year of my life, because this was when COVID started which heavily impacted my mental health.
  • First Day of Highschool

    First day of highschool, August of 2020. This was during COVID so we used zoom meetings and had to wear face masks in school.
  • First time driving a car

    This was my first time driving a car. My dad taught me how to drive a car which was a memory that I'll never forget because of the bond we had that day. This was after I turned 15.
  • Vacation: Los Angeles

    Vacation: Los Angeles
    We went to Los Angeles during the summer after sophomore year. This was one of my favorite vacations that I remember going, and we went to places such as Santa Monica Pier.
  • First car!

    First car!
    When I turned 17 on February 11, 2006, I got my first car: a Lincoln MKT 2010. This was one of the greatest days of my life because having a car gave me so much freedom.
  • Reflection questions

    1. What does your time line tell you about yourself? It shows that I love vacation, love spending time with my family, and show lots of happiness from completing school, as I learned lots in school which is important to me.
    2. How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line? I believe that life is a butterfly effect, so I think even the smallest thing could have dramatically impacted my current life.
  • Reflection Questions #3

    1. How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be? It seems to be flexible as there are many things that I plan on doing. I love going on vacation and learning, so I think my future might revolve around that.