Personal Timeline

  • Move to Mexico

    Move to Mexico
    My dad, my younger sister and me had left to Mexico it was a three day trip on car we had gone seen my grandma for the last time
  • Started school

    Started school
    My younger sister and me started school in Mexico for the first time and everything was so different because we had so speak spanish the whole time where in school
  • My mom moved after to Mexico

    My mom and my older sister moved to Mexico after because she found out that we had started school there so she had to come to look over me and my younger sister because where the two younger ones
  • Started getting use to the school in Mexico

    By my second year living in Mexico i had already made friends in school and had already got the hang how everything work in school and already adapted myself wearing uniform
  • The year when I came back to California

    I lived in Mexico for 4 years straight and my parents choose that it was time for my sister and me to come back so we could keep going to school here in California