Personal Timeline

  • Born in Rochester, New York

    I was born in Rochester in the hospital where my sister Janaye and brother Ryan were there with my father and mother (of course) and what my mom says was a time where my mom smiled and knew what she wanted my middle name to be...Faith.
  • My first severe ear infection

    As a kid I got a lot of ear infections and it wasn't the greatest moment of my childhood. I constantly had to go to the doctor due to my giant outbursts of ear infections and constantly had a grouchy dad who would get yelled at by the nurse to be more calm and collected. My mom told me I was the second baby in the US that year to have as many tubes put into my ears as any other kid. I don't believe her but she did mention all the times I ripped the IV's from my arm. Now that I believe.
  • Moving to KC

    I was only 2 when we moved to Kansas and it was a long trip but in the end worth it.
  • Made it on Southwest Cheer Team

    I was very excited about this as I put a lot of time and effort into getting onto the team as well as many clinics from the past where I had wished for this moment to happen.
  • Got accepted to K-state

    I have wanted to go to K-state for a long time now and considering that they have a great vet program I was hoping to make it into said program and i did!
  • Graduation

    I graduate from bvsw hopefully with many scholarships under my belt and a bright future
  • College Graduation

    I graduate from college hopefully with my degree in vet med and on my way to a good career
  • Gets a job as a veterinarian

    I get my dream job hopefully and after a lot of consideration, hopefully it is not in Kansas
  • Get married??

    Hopefully I get married at a good age I wouldnt mind getting married at 25 or so
  • Move to somewhere warm

    I would not mind settling down somewhere warm and cozy rather than somewhere very cold as I am not a cold weather person
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    My timeline tells me that i am very devoted to what i want to do and when i set my mind to something i usually tend to keep trying until i get where i need to be.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    You know i still think i would be the same hard headed person that i am today even if one or two things did get changed i think the only things that would really change is what college or career path i go to.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    It does seem to be very fixed I think that maybe i could have definitely been more relaxed about it rather than being as specific as i was but then again sometimes i like to plan ahead and then change it as i go.