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Michael Richburg's timeline

  • Birth

    The day I was born was important for obvious reasons. If I wasn't born I wouldn't be here. This also drastically changed my moms life.
  • My brother Andrew

    My brother Andrew
    I wouldn't be the person I am today without my brother. Most things I've done he did with me.
  • Started Grade School

    Started Grade School
    This was the beginning of my formal education. Grade School has made me much more educated and prepared for the world of adulthood.
  • Started Taekwondo

    Started Taekwondo
    Taekwondo was my first athletic extra curricular activity. It taught me self defense and was a great social experience.
  • Parents Divorce

    Parents Divorce
    My parents divorce completely changed Andrew and I's world. Our mom got custody of us making her a single parent, and we started only getting to see our dad on weekends or holidays.
  • Moved to Florida

    Moved to Florida
    Moving to Florida was the second experience I had outside of Arkansas. I learned what it was like living away from family and in a lower end area.
  • Move to California

    Move to California
    Brentwood California was very different from Florida. My grandpa is upper-middle class so I got to live in a very nice house in a very nice town. The school I went to was an outdoor school as well which was unlike anything I'd previously experienced.
  • Move to Alabama

    Move to Alabama
    Here I got to see what living on a military base was like, we lived at Fort Rucker, Alabama. I came to get to know a lot of other kids from military families which was cool because I could more easily relate to some of them. I also got to spend a lot of time with some family members I didn't know too well before living there.
  • Move back to Arkansas

    Move back to Arkansas
    It may seem odd coming from California, but I was extremely happy to move back to Arkansas. A huge portion of my childhood was spent here, family I know and love live here, a lot of good memories were made here. It's my home. After moving back to Arkansas I was able to spend much more time with family.
  • Mom deploys to Kuwait

    Mom deploys to Kuwait
    A very recent event but not unfamiliar. I was without my mom during the time I lived in California and now I am without her again. This time is different though, since much more of my family lives close she was able to leave my brother and I at the house which is helping me learn to be more independent and responsible.