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Personal Timeline

By klmoore
  • Birth

    St. Luke's Hospital I was born in Boise, ID at St. Luke's Hospital on October 29,1998.
  • Period: to

    My Life Span

    I am 17 years old. My half birthday is April 28th.
  • Learned how to ride a Bike

    I really struggled with learning how to ride a bike. My knees would always go in ackward directions meaning that I was constantly off balance. I had quite a few scrapes and bruises from my adventures of learning.
  • Scrambowls

    We got my first puppy when I was about 6 years old. I named her Scrambowls and I have no idea why. It's just the name my young self came up with. She is still with us although she is getting pretty old.
  • Moved Schools

    Moved Schools
    I spent Kindergarden through first grade at a school close to my house, but then my parents wanted to move closer to where they worked. It worked out; some of my friends from my previous school were in the same class as I was in second and third grade at the new school.
  • Four-Wheelers

    My aunt used to have a cabin up in the Cascade Mountains in Idaho. We went up there quite a bit for weekend or break getaway. When I was 7, my cousin taught me how to drive a four-wheeler and took me up on the mountain to try it out. It was so much fun!!!
  • Move to Illinois

    Move to Illinois
    Illinois My dad's job transferred him to Southern Illinois. We stayed there for 5 years before moving to Arizona. Illinois was an awful time of my life. I hated it there.
  • Washinton D.C. Trip

    Washington D.C. My family decided to drive to Washington D.C for Spring Break. We toured all over the area and even the states around it. It was really cool to see the White House and go to Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell. I was too young to fully appreciate it, however.
  • Won at a Science Fair

    Won at a Science Fair
    I did an experiment on the use of hairspray and its effectiveness. The fair didn't have first, second, or third place rankings but it did score each presentation out of 20. And, I recieved a 20/20. Of the 200 students competing, only about 15 got perfect scores. This was really the starting point of my love for science.
  • Move to Arizona

    Arizona My family and I hated Illinois, so we started over in Arizona. I got here the day before school started. We had to find a house overnight. It was all so quick.
  • Pepper

    Pepper was a Christmas-y present to our family. I'm the one who chose him out of our options. Over time, he has imprinted on my mother and refuses to love anyone but her. My dad and I joke around and say that Pepper is the only being that my mother loves regularly.
  • Cancer

    Throat Cancer My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer. It shocked all of us because she is so young and healthy. It took all of us off guard. It was an extremely trying couple months afterwards as my mother went through treatment. In January of 2014, she was delcared cancer-free.
  • First Date

    First Date
    I'd never had any romantic relationships until my freshman year. I was super excited to be asked out! We went to see Frozen. It was really fun. The relationship never worked out, but I'll never forget my first ever date.
  • Loki

    My dad traveled for work, and he wanted a companion to accompany him. Thusly, we got another puppy, Loki. (I named him---I'm such a nerd). However, Loki immediately imprinted on my and refuses to be away from me. He follows me everywhere and prefers my attention to all others. I love that little fluffball.
  • Met Friend Group

    Met Friend Group
    Meeting my current friends was an insane chain of events. Long story short, sit with random people you've only met once before and start talking to them after a crazy breakup. I got three new super awesome close friends from it that I still hang out with today. I literally pretty much live with one of them now. Time goes by so fast!
  • Sweet 16!

    I had a glow in the dark birthday party. It was a lot of fun. Although, my crazy best friend put my puppy in glow in the dark paint and set him free to run. Lets just say there was paint everywhere and it was awful to clean up!
  • Driver's License

    We had to wait a while after I turned 16 to get to the DMV. The test took me one try and I got a perfect score.
  • OSU Acceptance

    OSU Acceptance
    Oregon State University I was accepted to Oregon State University and even offered a renewable $8,000 scholarship to go there. I was super ecstatic because OSU is the ideal college for me and my aspirations.
  • Fall Out Boy Concert

    Fall Out Boy Concert
    Fall Out Boy This would be the second Fall Out Boy concert I will have attended. I bought two tickets so that I can bring a friend but I'm having a rough time deciding exactly who to bring. Originally, I was supposed to bring my friend Kylar because he was supposed to pay me back for the ticket but he never did. Thusly, I am inclined to not take him. But I don't know who else to take!!
  • Graduation!

    Graduation Date I'm super excited for graduation! It means that this chapter of my life is over and I'm on to the next big adventure: college. I couldnt be more excited to annouce that I have officially chosen Oregon State University as my college to attend.
  • Twenty One Pilots Concert

    Twenty One Pilots Concert
    Twenty One Pilots Funnily enough, I have the same problem with this concert as with the Fall Out Boy concert. I don't know who to bring because my friend doesn't respect me enough to pay me back!! But, I'm still looking forward to it because TOP is one of my favorite artists.
  • Panic! At The Disco Concert

    Panic! At The Disco Concert
    Panic! At The Disco I plan on bringing my close friend, Mason to this concert. P!ATD is my absolute most favorite artist ever!! I am uber excited and ecstatic for this concert because I have good seats too! Concerts are the best thing in the entire world. I feel so alive at them.
  • Turn 18

    Turn 18
    This year, I will become a legal adult, able to vote and survive on my own. I'll actually be attending college and living in a different state than my parents before I'm legally allowed to!