Personal Timeline

  • Being born

    Being born
    I was born.
  • Getting my dog

    Getting my dog
    I first got my dog, Daisy.
  • Beginning School

    Beginning School
    I first began school.
  • Period: to

    Playing sports

    I played softball, soccer, basketball, and volleyball. This showed me the importance of collaboration/ team work.
  • First concert

    First concert
    I went to mt first concert
  • Flying for the first time.

    Flying for the first time.
    I went on an airplane for the first time.
  • Going to Florida

    Going to Florida
    I went on vacation to Florida.
  • Transferring schools

    Transferring schools
    I transferred from Our Lady of Victory to St. Robert's.
  • Period: to

    Living on Kimball

    I moved to a two flat, which was the longest I lived in one place.
  • Graduating

    I graduated from 8th grade.
  • Starting High School

    Starting High School
    I started high school.
  • Going to New York

    Going to New York
    I went on vacation to New York.
  • 16th Birthday

    16th Birthday
    I turned 16.
  • My first job

    My first job
    I started my first job. This was the beginning of a more independent lifestyle.
  • Permit

    I got my permit, one step closer to my driver's license.
  • Experiencing loss

    My grandmother died
  • Getting my first car.

    Getting my first car.
    I got my first car. This was yet another step towards being more independent.