personal time line

  • My birth

    I was born on January 10th
  • My sister was born

    my sister Ruthy was born on May 24
  • Time to walk

    I learned to walk shortly after my sister was born
  • Moving day

    I moved from Worcester Massachusetts to Millville Massachusetts
  • My brother

    On may 22 my brother hutchy was born
  • Moving again

    I moved from Millville Massachusetts to Brattleboro Vermont
  • Graduation

    I graduated from St. Michael's preschool
  • I can ride

    in 2009 I learned how to ride my bike
  • Moving...Again

    after 2nd grade I moved from Brattleboro Vermont to Somerset Massachusetts for the beginning of 3rd grade
  • My first pet

    for Christmas in 2011 i got my first pet, 3 glow fish and 2 beta fish.
  • No more fish

    In 2012 all of my fish died after the biggest fish attacked and killed them.
  • Moving once again

    in 2013 i moved to a different house in somerset MA and as a result went to a different school in 5th grade.
  • Middle school

    in 2014 I was starting 6th grade aka my first year of middle school.
  • the school play

    In 2015 I got the lead in the my middle school play as the genie Aladdin
  • my cousin

    In February 2015 my baby cousin Remy-rose was born
  • School with siblings

    in 2015 my sister joined me in middle school and started 6th grade
  • moving back?

    in 2016 I moved back to the first house I lived in in somerset MA
  • 8th grade

    in 2016 I started my final year of middle school
  • Bye bye middle school

    In 2017 I was finally done with middle school and graduated 8th grade
  • surprise...another move

    in summer of 2017 I moved to Nashua NH, and started high school in September