Personal Time Line

  • Birth

    I was born on January 13, 2005 in St.George.
  • My Dad Got Deported

    My Dad Got Deported
    My dad got pulled over and they found out he was illegal so he got deported. Because of that we had to go live in Mexico. We moved to a village called Santa Cruz in Jalisco where my dad grew up in.
  • Ice Skating.

    Ice Skating.
    My mom took me ice skating for the first time. I some how remember her letting me go and I fell right after that. From what I've been told it looked like I was having a good time.
  • Little Brother

    Little Brother
    My Little brother was born on August 21, 2008. My mom and I had to fly in From Mexico before he was born because my mom wanted him to be and American citizen.
  • Moved

    We moved from the village to San Luis Rio Colorado. We moved in to an apartment by the border. We then moved to another apartment across the street a little after.
  • Car Accident

    Car Accident
    We were on the free way and a person did a u-turn and my mom could not stop in time so we crashed. Me and my brother were mostly fine we just got rashes from our seat belt. My mom hurt her back really bad and even to today she still has back problems.
  • Puerto Peñasco

    Puerto Peñasco
    My family and one of our friends went to Puerto Peñasco. We buried each other in the sand, played in the ocean and saw turtles. It was a really fun day.
  • Moved

    My parents split up and my mom took us back to the United States. we had to live with my grandma for a couple of months. My great grandma let us live in one of her houses so we moved there.
  • Lost my First Tooth

    Lost my First Tooth
    I lost my first tooth at around 8. After that I just kept loosing teeth. It was probably to make up for taking forever to loose it.
  • New Dog

    New Dog
    I got my dog at a park in Mexico while I was visiting my dad. I begged my mom to let me take her back with us until she final said yes. I was going to name her Princess but ended up changing it to Bailee. I still have her and she means the world to me.
  • My Moms Goat

    My Moms Goat
    For mothers day my mom got a fainting goat. When I first saw him we were at my grandmas and I accidentally let go of his leash and he went and ran with the horses. We had to chase after him in the mud to so the horses didn't trample him.
  • My Fist Cheer Dance

    My Fist Cheer Dance
    It was the fist thing that I really practiced for and spent a lot of time doing. It was scary because I had to do it in front of people but I did good. I didn't really like it but it was a good experience.
  • Horse and Cat

    Horse and  Cat
    I got a horse so I could do 4-H. While doing 4-H I met someone who became my really close friend. She found Kittens at her moms work so I begged my mom to get one. After doing a bunch of chores I was aloud to get her. My cat and horse also mean the world to me.
  • Cabin

    I went up to my friends grandparents cabin with her and another friend. We hiked up the mountain and took pictures. We had a fun time away from the outside world.
  • Out of Africa

    Out of Africa
    We were in Phoenix so we went to a zoo called Out of Africa. We saw a bunch of tigers, some giraffes, and other animals. My favorite animal that we got to see was a sloth we even got to pet it which was great because my favorite animals are sloths.
  • Learners Permit

    Learners Permit
    On my 15th birthday I went to the DMV to get my learners permit. I passes on my first try barely. If I would have missed one more question I would have failed.