Personal Playlist Timeline EXAMPLE

  • First Music Concert (Lucky)

    First Music Concert (Lucky)
    The very first concert I went to was Britney Spears! I was about 12 years old when I went. I have always loved Britney Spears, and since then I have loved her even more Her concerts are always extremely well done, filled with costume changes and major dancing.
  • First Trip to Hawaii (Rude)

    First Trip to Hawaii (Rude)
    When I was 14 years old my dad decided to take the summer off from everything, and go to Hawaii. This was the first time I had ever been to Hawaii. Ever since then, I have gone to Hawaii each summer. I am in love with Hawaii and everything that has to do with it.
  • First Job (Money Money Money)

    First Job (Money Money Money)
    The very first job I ever got was when I was 17 years old. I applied to work at Honey Baked Ham as a cashier. I ended up getting the job, however they told me I couldn't be a cashier, instead they needed me to dress up in a pig costume and dance with a sign on the side of the road. As horrible as that sounds, it was actually really fun.
  • Graduated High School (Boom Boom Pow)

    Graduated High School (Boom Boom Pow)
    When I graduated high school I went to a huge party. Graduating high school is a big deal! I remember at the party we had a hypnotist come. It was so hilarious to see a handful of my friends get hypnotized and do funny stuff. I had never laughed so hard in my entire life.
  • First Major Break-Up (Skinny Love)

    First Major Break-Up (Skinny Love)
    Many times people consider their first major break-up to be a big turning point in their life. I remember I was living in St. George and dating a guy who lived in Vegas. We had become best friends, and I honestly saw myself marrying him. Towards our one year mark, we started to grow further and further apart. His beliefs and outlook on life totally changed. One day we got into a huge fight about the future and ended up throwing our relationship out the door.
  • Moved to California (California Girls)

    Moved to California (California Girls)
    After my huge beak-up, I decided to leave my life in Utah and move to California. It was by far the best decision I had ever made. While I was in California, I was able to rediscover myself and my independence.