My personality is described as reserved, serious, practical, disciplined, sensitive, and kind-hearted. Also, I am driven and well organized. Though I am a team player, I am more of an introvert. Currently, my goals include doing well in school, improving my soccer and violin skills, and investigating options for college. In terms of my outlook on life, nothing is as important to me as the people in my life. I need to live my life the way that best suits me because it is up to me to be happy. -
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Personal Narrative Timeline
Summer Vacations in Door County, Wisconsin
My family's perfect annual vacation is a simple one- Door County. The great thing about going to the same place every summer is developing lasting memories. This is one of the most fun and happiest times of the whole year for me. Participation in my favorite acitivies, such as paddle boarding, kayaking, and swimming are calming and help me attain my goals of having more fun and reducing stress. Anywhere the heart is happy and the mind is at peace is an important outlook I have on life. -
Baking and Decorating Christmas Cookies
This family holiday tradition is important, meaningful, and contributes to a sense of comfort and belonging. Not only is this activity filled with nostalgia, but it also provides quality time to connect with loved ones, which is one of my ongoing goals. Living in the moment is an outlook I have on life and this annual event provides this opportunity. Decorating cookies brings out my traits of creativity and persistence. I look forward to the holiday season each year. -
Diagnosis of CVS
For 10 years, I have worked to best determine how to manage my illness and determine strategies to make me feel better and reduce anxiety. I have altered my lifestyle, such as obtaining enough sleep and changing my diet. A goal of mine is to be free of CVS symptoms. Though I live with this medical disorder, I try not to let it define me or interfere with my participation in most activities. CVS does contribute to some of my personality traits, such as being practical and routine-oriented. -
Playing the Violin
Music is an integral part of my life. Playing the violin has many benefits, which include helping me refine my time management and organizational skills, as well as giving me confidence. It also boosts team skills (playing in an orchestra), which is an aspect vital in life. Moreover, playing the violin promotes self-expression and relieves stress. Music elevates my mood and outlook on life. Enjoying music is a lifelong activity. -
Playing Travel Soccer
Playing travel soccer fosters my development of teamwork, cooperation, self-discipline, work ethic, and persistence. These characteristics are evident in my personality traits of being driven and internally motivated. My goal is to improve my soccer skills should I decide to pursue playing in college. Through competition, I am aware that I am defined by who I am, not what I do. This contributes to my outlook on life - people should not base their self-esteem on their performance.