Personal Literacy Timeline

  • Period: to

    Toddler Years

    My mom says that they used to read us night time stories before we went to bed everynight.
  • Early Childhood

    My parents were always doing crosswords and word searches. This made me want to join in with them and required me to learn how to read.
  • Kindergarten

    My kindergarten teacher used to read to us in story time and one of us always got to sit in her lap. We also had an old claw-foot tub that had pillows and blankets in it for us to sit in during individual reading time.
  • School reading

    I had teachers that showed us that reading could be fun and not just work. We read stories like 1982 and Animal Farm and got to see the thinking behind a story. This peeked my interest in reading novels.
  • Novel Reading

    My mom introduced me to historical fiction novels. I still love them to this day.
  • Senior English

    We learned British Literature in 12th grade English. I really enjoyed reading British Literature.
  • Having Kids

    When I had my own children I read to them every night to instill their love for learning and reading at an early age. I loved reading to them and it made me learn to enjoy reading all over again for new reasons.
  • College Reading

    During college I learned to appreciate non-fictional evidence based articles. These articles are imperative for learning and understanding new information.
  • Learning Disabilities

    Learning my son had dyslexia and disgraphia has opened my eyes to a different type of reading, reading with difficulties. Reading has always come very easy to me and everyone else I know, so having someone I love struggle with reading has given me a empathy that I would have never known for some of my students.
  • Grad School

    Entering Grad School has opened my eyes to a whole new type of reading. While I can't say I enjoy it, I really have come to see the benefits to my career to know how to read things like educational law and statues.