This was the first time I played in a high school soccer game. This was also me as a freshman and I made Varsity as a freshman. -
This was my first car. It was a big deal for me because I can finally do things independently driving myself. -
This is my baby brother. He was a surprise and we are 16 years apart, but this day changed my life. -
This is the first job that I ever had and this is my cousin and I going together on my first day. -
This is the first time I have ever traveled by myself without my parents or family. (this is a picture of me in Maryland enjoying my time) -
This is not the exact date, but I am hoping to go to college and start at JCCC for 2 years then move on to UMKC. -
I am hoping I graduate college and get a job that I like. I don't know what yet, but I am hoping for something in the healthcare field. (Idk date) -
I am hoping that after college and having a stable job, I find the one for me and have my dream wedding. -
I am hoping that one day I have children of my own, specifically I want 3. -
After getting settled down with my family, I am hoping that we go on many family trips to create a lot of memorable moments. -
How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?
I believe that if I changed one or two events that happened in my life I would be completely different. I have come a long way since 2021 and since I was a freshman and I am different now (in a good way). Without the events that occurred in my life, I would not be the person I am today. The experiences I got are what shaped me today. -
How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?
If my future goes the way that I created in the timeline, my future seems to be flexible and solid. I want to get a job that is flexible hours, where I can still have a lot of time for family. I want to focus my time on my children and husband. The way I created my future is like a dream because I have always dreamed about starting my own family one day. -
What does your time line tell you about yourself?
It shows the life I have created for myself and always wanting to make my life full of happiness and love. My timeline also shows my future and my hopes for the future. It shows the life I dream for myself and want for myself. This timeline reflects on the life and journey and achievements I have had the achievements I want for myself in the future and the journey to happiness.