Identity crisis

Personal Identity Timeline

  • Birth Day

    Birth Day
    I was born on July 31, 2001 in the first hours of the day. My grandmother named me Diana after Princess Diana.
  • Hello Sister?

    Hello Sister?
    My sister was born. Woah, someone I can tease and beat up. We do have a weird relationship but I'm glad I have her. My mom named my sister Jade, what a cool name. Her coming into existence really changed me as a person in a good and bad way. I got a bit more selfish, jealous, and greedy like a 4 year old does with another child in the house that just came out of no where, but I also got a friend who I want to punch in the face sometimes.
  • First Day of Preschool

    First Day of Preschool
    My first day of preschool at Belmont Cragin, I cried and begged my dad not to take me... It didn't work. Preschool turned out to be not so bad, it was the later years that I hated.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I started my first year of middle school at the school I've been attending my whole life, Mary Lyon Elementary. I was excited after years of trying to feel happy at school, I feel like I finally may have achieved it, or so I thought.
  • Ew...Prussing Elementary

    Ew...Prussing Elementary
    For 7th and 8th grade, I had to transfer to another school because I wasn't in Mary Lyon's area/district anymore since they changed. This ruined me because i finally started to feel like i could fit in and now I had to move to a sad looking, small, terrible school (In my opinion). During the first days I pretended to be sick so I wouldn't have to go or I'd leave early. This school messed me up.
  • Period: to

    Sad Days

    I hate Prussing. Every single day I would tell my dad that we should ditch and go to the mall or that I'm sick or that I just don't want to go because I hated everyone. I had like 2-3 friends their but I couldn't really be myself around them. I felt sad all the time and I had no motivation to do things. Once again I was an outsider.
  • Welcome To Taft

    Welcome To Taft
    It was my first day in High School and it went pretty okay, I only had my one friend from Prussing there with me and i was nervous. I liked all my teachers and was starting to feel somewhat okay again.
  • Friends

    Around this time was when I finally had a group of friends. Sadly, I only had them 8th period in Gym but I was grateful to have them there with me. They gave me hope that I'd be happy in school once again, like I could fit in.
  • Bye Merin

    Bye Merin
    This was really sad for me. I've known Merin since 7th grade, she was my first friend at Prussing. She was moving away to Des Plaines because her parents wanted to live in an area with more Indian culture. I still miss her, but one day I'll see her again.
  • New Friend

    New Friend
    I made a new friend this year. Her name is Justyna and she is a cute, adorable, short girl who can also be very feisty and eats my food a lot. Shes cool to talk to and is very loving. All my friends make me happy and when I'm with them, I feel like I'm in a better place than being at home.
  • Summer!!!

    During the summer I did nothing but watch Netflix all day. No regrets
  • Sophomore Year

    Sophomore Year
    I was excited to be back. I missed seeing my friends and was happy to see who were going to be my new teachers this year.
  • Can You Not

    Can You Not
    Sometime around the beginning of 2017 and the end of 2016, this guy in my Spanish class would always poke me and straight up annoy me. I didn't really like him but at the same time he kept the class interesting for me. What a weird guy.
  • MYP Project

    MYP Project
    Finally, its done. I just want to forget about the project as a whole because it was a lot and too tiring, but I did it.
  • Entering The World of Dating

    Entering The World of Dating
    I got asked out after second period by the guy that would always poke me in Spanish class. Things really changed from when I first noticed him and it was cute seeing how nervous and awkward he was before. Saying yes has been a very good decision so far.
  • Summer, I Think It'll Be Fun

    Summer, I Think It'll Be Fun
    Summer vacation has started. The weather is nice, dogs and people are out and about and I have my Cancun trip to look forward too. What can possibly go wrong?
  • Home Is Not Home

    Home Is Not Home
    Things happened that I will just never forget. Someone who I love told me that the bad things you do always outweigh all the good you've done. Im now holding this over that person, Ill always put the bad they did first and forget the good.
  • Period: to


    Finally, a distraction for life. It was really fun going out of state and country for the first time and going on a plane for the first time. It was beautiful, all of it. I want to get a summer home there. I cant wait to go back. Cancun was one out of two good things from my summer.
  • Cirque Du Soleil - Luzia

    Cirque Du Soleil - Luzia
    I love Cirque Du Soleil. My family and I always go to see their shows when they are in Chicago and seeing Luzia, which was themes around hispanic/Mexican culture, was amazing. This was the second best thing that happened this summer. It felt good being happy for a night, a distraction from life.
  • So... My Cousin... What?

    So... My Cousin... What?
    My cousin is apparently a murderer. On this day he killed a guy, a 19 year old, because he wanted to see my cousins girlfriend, who were both inside my cousin's (aunt's) house. The guy started yelling at her to come out and my cousin got mad and went out to make him leave, but he was on drugs so things escalated quickly. Im not proud of his actions and Im okay with him being in jail, he got what he deserved. Im embarrassed by it all, good thing he doesn't have my last name anymore.
  • Thank God School Starts

    Thank God School Starts
    Im actually happy school was starting again, I needed a distraction from things and I wanted to see my friends and boyfriend again. Im just too tired of family life and stuff so going back to school was really something fun for me.
  • Things Never Go My Way

    Things Never Go My Way
    What happened in summer repeated again. I feel like things just never want to go my way. I was finally happy again but then people and words just rip it away from me and then those people blame me for being a sad, mean person. I guess its all my fault then.
  • Dear Cousin I Don't Know

    Dear Cousin I Don't Know
    I don't know you at all, I've never even met you just your mom once when I was five. My mom just told me you committed suicide and even though we are strangers, I feel sad. I wish we could've known each other because apparently we are both sad people and you clearly needed the company of someone who can come close to understanding what you feel. Dear cousin, I wish you gave it more time for your problems to go away. You could've led a happy life. I don't know you but I wish I did.