Personal Identity Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Chicago Illinois at St. Elizabeth
  • First day of preschool!!

    On my first day of preschool, I did not want to be separated from my mom. So once she was gone from my sight I cried but later on that day, I noticed that being away from my mother wasn't so bad as I made a lot of friends. It was embarrassing that I cried but I learned that school was fun and that I would learn a lot of cool stuff!
  • Riding the bike for the first time

    The day I learned to ride a bike with the help of my grandpa. Nowadays I go to use my bike whenever I have free time.
  • Brothers Birth

    My Brother was born on June 19th. He is the youngest brother I have and he is very energetic but he is my favorite sibling being the most curious and outgoing from me and my big brother.
  • balllet performance

    My ballet performance was an important moment in my life since I was performing in front of a crowd I felt very powerful and proud that day. I felt that I nailed every move during my parts and my family congratulated me once my performance was done.
  • First day of piano classes

    My first day of piano class was very fun since I learned a whole new song on that day! it gave me the motivation to play piano more and I still play piano these days.
  • My first english class

    Back then I did not English the only language I knew was Spanish so when I took an English class I learned a lot and it helped me communicate with people.
  • First time in Mexico

    When I first went to Mexico it was only me and my mom going. I have a lot of good memories of going to Mexico because I saw a lot of my family members and the scenery was beautiful. It was something I was usually not used but I loved it nonetheless. We also went to a lot of places like going to see a frozen ice skating ring which I had a lot of fun watching.
  • Class performance

    The day I acted in front of all the classrooms with my classroom we were performing a mythology story.
  • Moving houses

    I had mixed emotions when I was moving houses because in one case I could live somewhere more comfortable but that also meant not seeing any of my friends I made in my school It was sad but later on, I accepted my new home knowing that I will make new friends throughout the way.
  • Quarantine hits

    It was a devastating time, I did not expect things to go out this way being away from my friends. Staying home all day barely going outside only at times when we needed to shop for groceries. It took a toll on me but it also brought some good memories because despite quarantine happening I had my friends and family to talk to so that helped a lot. In that I grew a lot, focusing on myself which I needed. So I had my ups and downs.
  • 8th grade graduation

    On my 8th grade graduation, I cried a lot saying goodbye to some of my friends and teachers. I was also very happy with all the memories I had there it was a fun experience. There was even a point when I saw my kindergarten teacher and that just brought me to tears seeing how much I had improved, I hugged her it was a very important memory that day because I never expected her to be there that day I was very happy.
  • First day at Taft

    The first day at Taft was a game-changer for me. Taft welcomed with open arms having so many interesting and fun things to learn about. It blew my mind seeing the students around me being brave, outgoing, creative, and open I immediately felt that I fit in. I met so many friends some of whom I am still friends with today. I had so many fun memories in my Freshman year.
  • Christmas

    During that Christmas, I had a lot of fun and I got a lot of gifts than usual from my friends and family with more fun activities.
  • My 15th Birthday Party

    My 15 Birthday party was a special birthday because it was one of the biggest birthday parties I had. Since my family is Latino/Hispanic it is tradition to have a big 15th birthday party. That day was very magical I had a lot of fun there were so many things to see, a lot of family members to talk to, dancing, and a lot of food. I was overjoyed having the time of my life and seeing the happiness of my family as well.
  • New years In Wisconsin

    For a week I was in Wisconsin to celebrate New Year's. Usually, when we go to Wisconsin, I and my family would stay there for a few days but that week I was having the time of my life hanging out with my family celebrating New Year's, and making new memories day by day.
  • First day of swimming classes

    The first day I learned how to swim!
  • Going to NCC

    I signed up for a program to learn more Chinese and experience two weeks in college. When I went to North Central College I was amazed there and I met many wonderful people there while communicating in Mandarin as much as in that trip. I was even on a stage on the last day at NCC I will never forget that day.
  • getting my glasses

    Getting my glasses was a new experience for me since I never used glasses in my life until that day. I was very excited to get my glasses seeing what designs I could pick and I was satisfied with the choice I picked, it was a fun experience.
  • Getting my Driver's permit

    The day where I got my driver's permit and was able to drive with a parental figure.