Personal Identity Timeline

By aedolly
  • I Was Birthed

    I Was Birthed
    On June 18, I was born.
  • I Became a Big Sister

    I Became a Big Sister
    On March 21, my younger sister Gillian was born and I was no longer an only child. I gained a sense of responsibility and became a role model.
  • Big Sister 2.0

    Big Sister 2.0
    On February 28, my youngest sister Greta was born and now I had two younger siblings.

    I spent my elementary years at Brickton Montessori School. I was there from Kindergarten until 8th grade. This environment helped me learn gain relationship and leadership skills and taught me how to be apart of a community.

    Around 3rd grade I became very organized and goal oriented. This characteristic existed before 3rd grade but became more present in my everyday life. My friends and I began to joke that I had OCD-this joke still exists. An example of this is the fact that I like to organize and count coins. It relaxes me.
  • First Memorable Trip to Czech Republic

    First Memorable Trip to Czech Republic
    The summer after 3rd grade my mom, sisters, and I spent a month in Czech Republic visiting my family and traveling the country. This trip was the first time I began to form relationships with my Uncle Peter, my favorite uncle.
  • Parents Separate

    Parents Separate
    After we returned from our trip to Czech Republic my parents separated and filed for divorce. This brought my sisters and I closer together since we had to go from one house to the other frequently.

    In my opinion I am a very industrious and hard-working individual. I get my work done in a timely manner that is completed well. In middle school these skills helped me grow and become a better student and functioning member of society. In 7th grade I would use my class time to complete my work and once that was done I completed homework from other subjects so I didn't waste any time.

    The Montessori approach to learning allowed me to learn at my own pace and find the most productive ways to gain knowledge. I continue to learn both in school and in my free time. I enjoy reading and trying my curiosities. An example of this is when I wanted to know more about photography, so I spent time researching and adventuring in order to develop the skills I wanted.
  • I Graduated 8th Grade

    I Graduated 8th Grade
    When I graduated 8th Grade I finally got to leave my small, private Montessori school. This change ended a huge chapter of my life and left me feeling prepared for a new start in a new environment.
  • I Start High School

    I Start High School
    I started Freshman year at Taft High School in the Pre-IB Diploma Bound Program. This is where I met Claire and Henry, who later became some of my best friends, along with other amazing people. I was very quiet and reserved in most of my classes.
  • WARM

    I hug my friends and check in on them when they are down. I comfort and support them. I am like Olaf. For example, when my friend was going through a breakup Freshman year and I spent all of winter break at her side supporting her and helping her through it.
  • Family Trip to Colorado

    Family Trip to Colorado
    My family went on a ski trip to Colorado the final week the slopes were open. This was an important experience for me because I had never been to Colorado and I was just amazed by the sights and slopes. Skiing is an activity my family participates in every winter--it bonds us.
  • My First Real Job

    My First Real Job
    During the summer of 2018 I got my first real job. I was--and still am--a part-time intern to an interior designer. This taught me discipline and the importance of reliability. The company was called Iconic Revolution.

    During the course of Sophomore year I gained more self confidence and felt like I was more myself. I surrounded myself with people who allowed me to be the best version of myself and put myself out there more. Now during my Junior year I am able to express myself without worrying about what others think

    I have always worked in collaborative environments where I needed to include and cooperate with my peers and group members. In 7th and 8th grade I was conistently
  • Got a Boyfriend

    Got a Boyfriend
    After being friends for over a year my friend Jesse and I went to homecoming together and began to spend more time together. We talked about everything and realized we liked each other so we gave it a shot. This did not surprise anyone since all of our friends and family predicted this would happen when we first became friends.

    I tend to have a very childish personality when energized. I dance and laugh and joke. An example of this is when I have a friend sleep over and we laugh and have a good time singing and goofing off. This hyper energy is something I enjoy because I am not overthinking or in a bad mood when I act like this.

    I am not known for being able to make decisions easily. For instance, this weekend I spent 5 minutes thinking about what Disney movie to watch. I finally decided Mulan.

    My elementary school taught me skills on mediation and conflict resolution. I use these skills in order to fix issues between me and people I care for. For example, whenever my sisters are in an argument I will sit them down and help them talk it out. This happened earlier this week.