Personal Identity Digital Timeline Project

  • 2005 BCE

    Work ethic

    Work ethic
    My parents have always had a work ehtic that has always surprised me. My dad would work and even take me to work at times on saturdays at 5am. We would get home and he would work even more by either doing something to his home, cars, and yard. And as I grew older I hated it because he would start getting me involved into it and I would get annoyed. I understood it as I grew older at the same time and I get that work ethic from him and I have now grown to appreciate his hard work
  • Learning respect and Work ethic

    Learning respect and Work ethic
    My grandpa, and family have always taught me manners and being respecful and things like that. My grandpa has a very strong work ethic. He works to jobs and still manages time to go to the gym. He has always been a person where he doesnt like to be lazy and stay home. He has also taught me to not let obstacles in you life interfere with what you are trying to achieve. It has taught me and showed me to always work hard. My family has always tauight me to show respect and have manners.
  • Childhood

    During my childhood I was raise, grew and learned a lot from all my family. As I grew up my family was goofy, funny but always had morals and manners. An example is like holding the door for people behind you, saying please and thank you, and things like that. Everyone would always be making fun of eachother for laughs and just for jokes. As I grew up it kind of helped me not take things to seriously and be respecful and always have principles, morals and manners.
  • Videos games helping me

    Videos games helping me
    I have always been into video games and enjoyed how you can play at the same time with friends, family and others that are playing. My dad has bought me a psp,wii, xbox 360 and I grew up with my uncles having those type of electronics/ consoles. Video games have helped me keep my mind of things and improve my mental state.
  • Realization

    Realization comes by growing and by living and learning. There has been times where I seen how people lived, ate, and how they had to live everyday and it would make me think and be a lot more grateful that I have everything that I NEED. As you grow and realize that the world is not fair and that theirs a lot needed to be a more peaceful world, you become more grateful for what you have.
  • Joining a Soccer team And almost winning finals

    Joining a Soccer team And almost winning finals
    I had always played soccer since I was young. I had played with family and had always been a good soccer player. eventually my dad put me in a soccer team and I was always good at being goalie and defending. the final game to win the trophy. coached subbed me in with the main goalie at almost the end of the game. We were sent to penalties and the other team had scored 1 penaltie on me but my team was missing or the goalie would block them and we ended up loosing the championship.
  • Helping family store

    Helping  family store
    I have always helped my family store since I can remeber wether it was cleaning the fridges, stocking merchandise and even bagging groceries
  • Uncle giving me an Xbox one

    Uncle giving me an Xbox one
    I had always watched my uncle play video games and everytime I heard him playing I would knock in his room and ask if I could watc him play. Eventually one day I was watching netflix and tells me to close my eyes and he surprised me with an Xbox one s I was very happy and so excited to start playing with the rest of my uncles.
  • My first Phone

    My first Phone
    My dad bought me my first phone in 2018 because I was going to Washington Dc for a school trip and my parents wanted to stay in contact with me.
  • When Covid shut down schools

    When Covid shut down schools
    Covid had shut down schools It was first just to be 2 weeks off of school and then those 2 weeks turned into the end of the school year. After it had turned into something A lot serious and people were staying home because of lots of people were dying if they had covid.
  • First year at Taft

    First year at Taft
    The first days of taft were very uncomfortable because I didnt know anyone and was my first time in a CPS school so I wasnt used to the enviorment.
  • Graduating

    Graduation day was an emotional day for lots of people because of all the memories made throughout all these years.
  • First time driving

    First time driving
    My first time drving I was nervous and scared that I was going to crash because my dad took me out to the streets for my first time.
  • Hosptial Pt.2

    Hosptial Pt.2
    We were taken to a room and I was asked questions and got work done so we cold know what was wrong with my stomach. I was told that my appendix was needed to be removed and If I didnt go that same day it wouldve ruptured and it couldve been worst. I had to get surgery and I was nervous because it was my first time getting surgery.
  • Getting physically active

    Getting physically active
    There was a day where I had just looked at myself and wasnt proud of how I looked and felt. I knew that I had to start working out so everyday I would workout for 30 minutes to an hour a day and the result were very small but I had started to feel better and mentally better. At first It was hard for me to even do a pushups, situps, planks and different type of excercies.
  • Covid helped me improve myself

    Covid helped me improve myself
    During the pandemic I was struggling and was lost. I would eat and play video games and repeat. I had listened to a speech by kevin hart on tiktok. It had impacted me and I felt that I had to get myself on the right track. I started to workout and eat healthier because I knew it wasnt healthy for my mental and physical health
  • Online learning.

    Online learning.
    During online learning I struggled to learn subjects because I couldnt focus and sit on a screen for hours a day. I had realized that if I couldnt focus or I was starting to get annoyed or tired of sitting down i would workout if I had completed assingments early.It shapped me and helped me because it would get me out of the couch,bed, or table and make me move around and get my mind right. Eventually it made me want to workout a lot more because of how i felt.
  • Taken to the Hospital pt.1

    Taken to the Hospital pt.1
    My stomcah was hurting really bad, but it was a pain where I couldnt handle and it wouldnt go away even with medicine. I had texted my mom while she was at work and she ended coming home early from work. When she came home she asked me multiple times where it hurt and different question to understand what was wrong. the pain wouldnt go away so I told her I felt I had to go to the hosptial and she didnt want to take me because It was during the pandemic. After a whie I told her that I need to go.
  • Experiences

    I have experienced and have people talk to me about their life and the problems they go through, and when I hear the situations I just think back and feel sorry for them because i am blessed for what I have. It really humbles me and makes me think I need to start being a lot more happy and grateful for the little things in my life that others might think its something big for them.
  • uncles and aunts making me better in Life

    uncles and aunts making me better in Life
    My family has always taught me what was right and wrong. They have told me what they have been through and how their actions weren't the best. It had taught me how theirs always consequences for your actions. They made me better in life by being there for me and showing me how I'm not alone. It taught me to always be there for people.