Personal Identity Digital Timeline Project

By adang5
  • The "Angel" was Born

    The "Angel" was Born
    On May 12, 2004, my parents welcomed a new baby girl into their life and it was their first-ever baby too. And who is this baby? Well, that would be me. Hi, my name is Angel Dang and I was born and raised in Chicago, IL.
  • First Year of Kindergarten

    First Year of Kindergarten
    Although, I don't remember this day specifically. I know that this will be one of my most memorable moments I'll hold because this was the first time I have ever been to school and met different people my age. I think Kindergarten was one of my favorite grades. Everyone I met including my teachers, friends, and classmates were all wonderful and so nice. I would go back to this year if I could!
  • Learning How to My Shoes - Determination

    Learning How to My Shoes - Determination
    When I was still in Kindergarten my teacher gave out stars to people who did every item on it. And I have completed everything on that list but one. Which was mastering how to tie a shoelace. I didn't know how to at that time but I was determined to. I really wanted that star. I would practice every day on my own shoes and others. Attempting, learning, and struggling until one day I got it right. I finally did it. So I went up to my teacher to show her, after months of trying, I got my star.
  • New School New Me

    New School New Me
    This was one of the hardest times of my childhood years because my entire childhood was at this school and as well as this home I was about to leave it. I remember losing and disconnecting with a lot of friends who were important in my life because of this event. It really sucked. But, I was excited to start off fresh somewhere else.
  • The Golden Coin - Caring + Compassionate

    The Golden Coin - Caring + Compassionate
    It was the day of my cousin's birthday and my whole entire family was all going outside to get ready to hit the piñata. We were all told that there would be 5 one-dollar coins and were very excited to get them. Too excited that when the piñata broke open we all piled on top of each other. A lot of people got hurt including the birthday girl. I felt bad. I saw that I got the coin so I decided to give her the coin because not only did she get hurt but ended up with barely any candy and no coin.
  • My Best Friends For Life

    My Best Friends For Life
    While most of us knew each other, some of us were new. But, that didn't stop us from becoming the amazing friends we are today. It all started in 7th grade when my 3 friends and I were hanging out with each other. When all of a sudden 2 classmates, that we have never spoken to, came up to us and asked if they can hang around with us and we all said YES. Little did we know that we would all instantly connect and form the best bond. (Brianna, Deja, Logan, Maryana, and Vianca)
  • First Phone

    First Phone
    I got my first iPhone ever! And I was really excited when I got it. It was meant to be a surprise for my 14th birthday that week but, I had a suspicion that I would be getting an iPhone I just didn't know when so I was surprised that day when I got it. I could finally text and talk to my friends with my very own phone.
  • Building up Courage - Knowledgeable

    Building up Courage - Knowledgeable
    Ever since I could remember I was always too scared to ask questions and it would really affect my learning. But it was not until I was in 6th - 7th grade where I built up the courage to ask any questions that I would ever have without hesitating. Specifically in my math class. I was not the best at math growing up and struggled a lot in these classes. But, I felt that once I started to ask more questions it helped me expand my knowledge. And I would say that I am doing well in math today.
  • Confirmation

    I was confirmed in May of 2018 with my class at St. Henry Catholic Church. It was a big day for me and my family because this was a big step forth in my faith/religion. I also remember celebrating this day afterwards. There was a party at my house.
  • My 8th Graduation

    My 8th Graduation
    I graduated 8th grade at Farnsworth School along with the rest of my classmates. It was a pretty sad and happy day for all of us. We were all excited to create a new chapter in our life but at the same time heartbroken that we weren't all going to see each other for a while since we were all very close to our groups. I was also nervous for this day because I was the spokesperson for the graduating class of 2018.
  • DisneyLand

    This is one of my favorite vacations I've been on. My mom, brother, and I went to Orange County, California, and stayed with a relative that lived there for a whole week. It was really beautiful there. One of the days of the week we decided to go to Disneyland. And I'm so glad that we went. The rides were really fun, we got to see some Disney characters, and the firework show was unbelievable.
  • The Freshman Year Story

    The Freshman Year Story
    It was my first ever day and year at Taft High School and I was really nervous. Luckily, I had met some friends over the Summer and we planned to all meet up and go in together. This made it less stressful. Thankfully I didn't get lost like I thought I would and most of the staff and students were all very kind. Now looking back I would say I was being a little dramatic than I should. I made some pretty great friends over the years and had (for the most part) enjoy being at Taft.
  • The Big Computer Project - Diligence

    The Big Computer Project - Diligence
    My teacher had assigned a big project that would take at least a month to complete. She allowed us to be in groups but would be the one choosing the groups. Which sucked because my group didn't do any work and I ended up doing it all by myself. It was a hard project for me to do because I wasn't really good with anything relating to computers but, that didn't stop me from doing it well and putting my best effort into it. I ended up getting an A on the project, which I was proud of myself for.
  • Braces Journey

    Braces Journey
    I've been waiting to get my braces for some time up until this point, but I couldn't until my last baby tooth had fallen out and it finally did. This was when I was able to get my braces. I got my braces during my freshman year of high school up until the near end of my Sophomore Year.
  • My Best Friend

    My Best Friend
    Meet Juliana. She has been one of my best friends for two years and counting now. I met her during my freshman year of high school. Although, we don't really know how or when we really met we're both grateful that we've found and met each other. We have made so many great memories together from birthdays to movie days.
  • Sick But Still Working - Studious

    Sick But Still Working - Studious
    On the day of my maths exam, I became very sick and my throat was hurting and it was bad overall to go to school. So I decided to stay home that day. It felt nice to stay home that day after a stressful week and I could have chosen to not do anything and just relax but I didn't. Instead, I took out all my previous math assignments and decided to review them. I watched help videos and did the review worksheets to prepare for the exam. And I ended with a good score that I was happy about.
  • My Social Well-Being - Balanced

    My Social Well-Being - Balanced
    I have never been the best at keeping my well-being well. I was usually putting others before myself to show and to prove to them that I care for them. Protecting them and caring for them whenever they needed me. But over the years I learned to put myself before others and I'm still working on it to this day. But I've improved so much than the years before. I learned how to take care of myself while also helping others out when necessary. This helped me build closer + positive relationships.
  • The Birthday Surprise - Ceative

    The Birthday Surprise - Ceative
    My grandpa's birthday was coming up and I was pretty bored around the house due to the lockdown so I decided upon myself to throw a surprise birthday party for him. He was turning 70. Since I couldn't go to the store to buy any decoration, cake, or food. I made all the decorations myself from scratch using materials around the house. I made banners, signs, etc. I also baked the cake. On the day of his birthday, he was indeed surprised, so were my family members because they didn't know either!
  • Spreading Awareness - "Influencer"

    Spreading Awareness - "Influencer"
    This year has been an insane year. There have been so many events that have occurred some great ones and some tragic ones. Like the death of many Black lives. It truly hurts to see an innocent life taken away from this world especially w/o giving punishment to the person who caused it. Although I couldn't help w/ this issue that much I did anything possible like signing petitions, promoting them, helped spread awareness to the different foundations, and made sure people knew what was going on
  • Learning the Ropes of my Struggles - Reflective

    Learning the Ropes of my Struggles - Reflective
    This year I felt as though I had truly discovered what mental health really is and its importance. It was a really rough time for me. My mental health really affected me both physically and mentally. So I decided to take a break from everything to take the time to reflect on what I need to do to improve myself for the better. I did things I enjoyed and realized that it was okay to not be okay. I took care of myself more. This made me appreciate life and the beautiful humans on it even more!
  • The Political Debate - Open Minded

    The Political Debate - Open Minded
    This year's presidential debate has been really eye-catching. Not only were there "fights" between the political parties but also among communities. One of which was in my own household. I am on on side of the party while the rest of my family are all on the other side. Even though I don't necessarily agree with them I still listen to what they have to say and hear them out. We may but heads when I try to convince them to switch sides but, at the end of the day we all put that behind us.