Personal Identity Digital Timeline

  • Compassion

    When I went into kindergarten, I remember my parents telling me how kind I was and how I was going to wow everybody with my compassion. I hold that to myself to this day and use it to focus on being kind and compassionate.
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    Going to Disney World was my first event that registered in my brain. It was when I was around five years old, and I was obsessed with Cinderella and Prince Charming. When I met them, my parents told me I was awestruck.
  • Joy

    Going to Disney World for the first time was my very first memory of joy and being so happy about something that it just changes your life.
  • First Day of Kindergarten!

    First Day of Kindergarten!
    Surprisingly, I was not scared at all when going into kindergarten - I was actually very excited to. This day was definitely in my top five moments in life because I had a great teacher who helped me be comfortable in school, and it was the day/year I met my best friend (who I'm still friends with).
  • Bravery

    As I went into my first day of kindergarten, initially I was a little bit scared because I wasn't going to be with my parents every single day, all day like I had been for years. However, instead of trying to hold onto the past, I kept my head up and decided I was going to take this opportunity to instead meet new people, make friends, and learn new things.
  • Caring

    When I got my first dog, I hadn't realized what came with taking care of one. Then, right after the first dog, we got another one. I realized I wasn't only able to care strongly about people, but I was also able to care strongly about animals too - specifically my two dogs.
  • Addison

    February 26th was the day my family and I adopted our first dog together. Technically, we had a golden retriever before, but she was really my mom's dog only. This dog, a Pit-bull Australian Shepherd mix, Addison came into our lives and changed it.
  • First Crush

    First Crush
    My first crush made me realize a LOT of things about myself, one of the most important ones being my sexuality. I don't really have a label, but in seventh grade I started crushing on one of my best girl friends. It ruined me as a person because I had never been exposed to same-sex couples or love, but as I grew further and further as a person, I learned to accept it about myself and others.
  • Love

    I know it's difficult to really learn what love is until a person is older, but I truly believe I learned this in seventh grade because I felt so strongly for my first crush that it tore me apart. She still holds a piece of my heart, purely because of how things went down between us.
  • Reflection

    During the year of Covid-19, I was able to reflect on myself a LOT. This was both a good thing and a bad thing, but mainly a good thing. I started focusing on what I liked, and not what other people liked. I started doing the things I liked and dressing the way I liked, and looking the way I liked.
  • Covid-19

    Covid was a huge impact on my life because all of the sudden, I was torn away from my friends and family, having to stay inside 24/7 to try and not catch this virus. During this process and online learning, I definitely changed as a person because I started getting new interests, hanging out with new people, and started officially developing who I was going to be in high school.
  • Fear

    Graduating grade school was terrifying. I had no clue what high school I was going to yet, and all of my friends were going to different places. It felt like my whole life was being uprooted and a lot happened that summer, some for the better and some for the worse.
  • 8th Graduation

    8th Graduation
    My eighth grade graduation was not what I was expecting because of Covid-19 and everything, but it was still semi-normal and terrifying. Walking onto the stage and officially grauduating changed a lot of things and was definitely a big event.
  • Meeting My Best Friend!

    Meeting My Best Friend!
    This was the day where I met one of my best friends during my freshman year of high school. I had asked her to hang out with me after school, at this park near my house and it was one of the best nights of my life. We bounce off of each other so well and I wouldn't trade meeting her for anything in the world.
  • Track + Field

    Track + Field
    I never saw myself getting into any sports during high school because I simply wasn't an athletic person, outside of working out at home. Though, my friends had convinced me during winter to join the Track + Field team here with them, so I did. I didn't enjoy much of it at first because I wasn't a great runner, but at one meet near the end of the season, I had realized how much I loved it.
  • Going Back to Oklahoma

    Going Back to Oklahoma
    I always hated going to Oklahoma over winter break because it took me away from my friends, but after my most recent visit in 2022, I learned to love it again - love the nature, the hikes, the views.
  • Pride

    I'm not sugarcoating it, I sucked at running when I first started during my freshman year. However, as that track season progressed and I went on to do another track season, and then two cross country seasons, I got better and better. I started to feel proud of how I was progressing.
  • Selflessness

    Sophomore year me was not the best, and I'm aware of that. I became too absorbed in things that I forgot about my friends, myself, and my family. Throughout that summer though, before junior year, I taught myself to not do that again because of how much I care about my friends and family.
  • Responsibility

    Getting my license was HUGE. All of the sudden my parents trusted me to get on the road and not crash, go places without them driving me there, etc. It gave me a huge sense of responsibility that I didn't have before and am now glad that I have.
  • Getting my Car & License

    Getting my Car & License
    Getting my first car and my license gave me a newfound sense of responsibility that I didn't have before. I was now able to drive and go places on my own without my parents needing to drive me.