Personal Identity Digital Timeline

By dmvarol
  • Birth

    My birthday is 10/31/2006. I was born in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    The first, and only time I went to Disney world. First time on a plane and first time experiencing so fun. This is my earliest memory that I still often think about.
  • First Time Skiing

    First Time Skiing
    Learned how to ski and fueled my passion for it which I continue today.
  • Brother's Surgery (family)

    Brother's Surgery (family)
    My brother had a head surgery. It was the moment I realized family is everything and to have family as a personal value
  • Sunday School (faith)

    Sunday School (faith)
    Started going to Sunday school and learning about my Jewish culture. I gained the value of faith from this. I was taught the history of my people and the religion that was destined for me. That is what has kept me modest and aligned my values.
  • First time at Six Flags

    First time at Six Flags
    I went to Great America for the first time. I loved roller coasters since then and they have always been a fun thrill for me; its why I go back a few times every year. I have more recently become interested with the physics of roller coasters from this hobby.
  • Alan (empathy)

    When I was often made fun of by the other kids in elementary school in 5-6 grade, on kid named Alan befriended me and treated me like a true friend. We are still very close today even though we go to different high schools. His actions taught me the power of empathy.
  • OSRUI (derekh eretz)

    I attended a Jewish summer camp in 2019 called osrui. This place was filled with many amazing people and fun activities, but what the staff wanted to emphasize that summer was derekh eretz, which is in English equality for all. I truly believe in a future that gives us all opportunities to succeed in life.
  • Bar Mitzvah

    Bar Mitzvah
    On this day, I signified my adult responsibilities in the Jewish culture. I had practiced for 6 moths to lead the ceremony.
  • Covid-19

    This was very impactful in a negative way for many people, but the way I was challenged during the pandemic was my depression. Isolation cut off my social skills and I felt alone a lot. The feelings I gained during that period still linger with me today.
  • Building my PC

    Building my PC
    During the pandemic I got into computer science. I was fascinated with it since that was what we were all attached to during this time. I was really exited to put together the computer and be creative with my technological options. I still use the computer today.
  • Graduating Middle School/Starting High School

    Graduating Middle School/Starting High School
    This was a new chapter in my life. I was very nervous to start high school but this transition has been a big step in my education process.
  • No Vacation? (gratitude)

    In 2021 my mom told my brother and I that Covid had hit hard and we couldn't go on vacation that spring break. Instead of being upset, I ensured my gratitude for all my mother does for our family.
  • Freeclimbing in Colorado (Adventurous)

    Freeclimbing in Colorado (Adventurous)
    Back in 2021 I was in boulder, Colorado and was on a hike, I have always had the passion to seek natural thrills and this time was no different. With the help of my father, I scaled a 100 foot mountain with no equipment. I truly believe in living in life to the fullest, even if it sacrifices my safety. Adventure is all around us and if I can I will seize the opportunity.
  • Setting the 2 mile Freshman Record (humble)

    Setting the 2 mile Freshman Record (humble)
    I had set the freshman record for the indoor 2 mile at Taft. Though I could've boasted about this accomplishment, I decided that I should focus on bettering myself. I have since then held this trait to my heart to maintain healthy relations and improve my mindset.
  • Lifeguarding (responsibility)

    Lifeguarding (responsibility)
    This past summer I worked at a pool as a lifeguard. I gained a value of responsibility. I need this to manage my time, money, and effort that I put into this job to sustain a healthy relationship w my coworkers and boss.
  • Track (dedication)

    Track (dedication)
    I have developed a value of dedication. I realized that I want to be something great and to do that I must stay focused on training and be persistent too. I have learned to work hard and push my limits. I am always working to improve and be better.
  • Israel

    I visited my homeland and met family along with a memorable exploration of the country. I really was opened up to the home of my culture and learned so much and met many new people.
  • Roots (communicative)

    During my time in Israel, I was in the outskirts of east Jerusalem in the west bank and helping with an organization that helps bring Israeli and Palestinian children together. I learned here that being able to break down walls of generational hatred is through proper communication and humanization through speech. I have been empowered by communication and what it can do and strive to incorporate proper communication in my relationships with friends and family back home.
  • My First Camera

    My First Camera
    On my 17th birthday, I got my first dslr camera. I had been getting into filmmaking and studying it in school too. This camera allowed mr to pursue this hobby.