Prenatal Influence #1 Staying away from Possible Dangers
My mother never did any drugs or substance abuse during the course of my prenatal development. In fact my mother was never one to drink, party, or use drugs throughout her life. She ate a well balanced deight, and was moderatly active while being pregnant with me. Due to my mothers healthy habbits and lack of any detrimental use in drugs or medication, my prenatal development was normal and healthy. -
Prenatal Inluence #2 Biological Birht Defect
While in my mother's womb and during my prenatal development, I developed a genetic heart disorder called Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. This later became an issue in my childhood, because I would constantly pass out. At the age of 12 the doctors discovered this heart misfuction that had developed in during the nine months my mother was pregnant with me. With surgery, the doctors were able to fix this genetic heart disorder. -
Day I was Born!
My mother had me on a hot Suday afternoon on August 6, 1995. My mother was in labor for four hours before giving birht to me at 8 pounds and a healthy length (not sure exact length just know that it was normal length of a healthy baby) -
First words
My first words, like many babies, was momma and pappa. My mother explains that once I could pronounce momma that I would constantly say it. She said that although I could clearly pronounce momma I did not quite understand that momma ment her. In other words, I would call the cat momma, or point at something and referr to it as momma. My mother explained that it took me a lilttle longe than most to use the right words with the right objects. This slow acknowledge conserned her at first. -
I began preschool at age 3. My motherr was my teacher and the only thing I significantly rember is one day I fell off of a trycicle. I still have a scar on my hand from where a rock was embedded into my flesh. Having my mother as my teacher may have affected my development and made me more shy, because I didn't necessarialy have to learn to socialize without my mother's presance while other preschoolers didn't. I always had my mother there in that crucial early age of social development. -
Baby Brother
At the age of 4 my baby brother came into my world. I think this is a huge event that shaped my human development, because my baby brother has always ment the world to me. From the day my brother was born, I was given a best friend, someone to play with growing up, someone who I can always talk to and someone who has always helped me through hard times. Trevors birth greatly impacted my childhood development, -
Another year of Preschool
My mother kept me another year in preschoo, this caused me to go to kindigarten later than most. This impacted my development, because for the rest of my school I was always older than my classmates by a year or sometimes two. When I graduated high shcool I was older than most. -
Joing The Swim Team
I joined the swim team close to the age of 6. Swimming played a huge part in my development, because it was swimming that made me realize I loved sports. I learned that through hard work I could compete and win races. Winning lead to a drive in me that I could accomplish challenges if I put the work into over coming them. Swimming taught me life lessons that I still use today. -
Starting Period
At the end of 5th grade, I started my monthly cycle. This was another huge part of my development, because I began to development physically into a women, and of course, this comes with great mood changes. During this time in my life, I became very moody. I began to stress over very little things, and I felt more socially occured during this stage. Around this time in my life I became even shyer and hated social situations. -
Passing Out on a 6th Grade Field Trip
At a school field trip I randomly passed out, beccause of this incident my parents took me to the doctors and discovered that I had Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. This played a role in my development, becuase discovering my heart deffect helped prevent any other further health issues related to my heart. -
Oldest Sister Left for College
When my oldest sister left for college, I just remember breaking down. I started realizing that time goes incrediably fast!! I really didn't want Megan to leave, and it was like I realized that things would never quite be the same in my childhood. I was losing one of my best friends, soon I would lose my other sister, then I would have to leave my family behind. With a few months or so I began to accustume to my sisters absense, and had to accept life changing as it always does. -
Beginning of High School
The beginning of High school was a major change for me. I went from know everyone in my school to feeling like a stranger. I remember my freshman year being very challenging for me, because school was way harder, I didn't know who my true friends were (as my best friend started to really change and hang out with the more partying crowd), and I was no longer the best in sports. The start of high school and its challenges helped me learn that with time everything kinda works itself out. :) -
Breezy leaves for College
Here my other sister graduated high school and left for college. This was sooooooo hard for me!!!! Breezy has always been there for me; she is the mother hen in the family. Always taking care of me and my baby brother. When Breezy left this was extremely hard for me but in the long I think us both missing eachother (while she was in college) helped actually build a stronger relationship between us. Breezy and I have always been close, but now we are like to Peas in Pod! :) haha -
First Boyfriend
I started dating at the age of 16 because this was a rule of my parents that we could not date tell then. Now that I'm older I appreciate my parents rule, because it help keep me away from boy drama, mini heartaches, and kept me foccused in school. Sean was my first boyfriend we dated for a year and a half, but sadly he moved away. Sean was a great friend of mine and knowing him shaped parts of my life. -
Wasn't Allowed to Swim
In high school both my older sister's played basketball, and in their footsteps I followed. Our team was extremely good and we were predicted to win state, despite being a huge part of the team I really wanted to pursue my dream of swimming. Our high school didn't have a high school swim team which ment I would have to drive down to Durango to swim. Long story short I had my heart set on quiting, when my parents decided that I shouldn't and that they wouldn't let me. To this day I wonder where s -
Not Being allowed to swim continue
To this day I wonder where I would be if I was able to pursue my dream of swimming. I would have loved to have swam for college instead of running. This event shaped me, I now have some regret and will always wonder, but I did have great times in basketball and if I were to have swam in Durango I could have possibly missed out in everything I was apart of in basketball. -
Worst Day of My Life
My senior year, my momma became extremely sick. She started off with just a small cough, which then became an uncontrolliable cough. It was so bad she couldn't even hold a conversation. It took three different doctors, to finally inform my family and I that my momma had stage four lung cancer and that she had 1-2 years to live. This crushed everything in me. I was sooo angry and devistated. I questioned my faith, I questioned life itself. How could this happen! Why would it happen my mom was nev -
Worst day of my life continue
never smoked and was always so active. How did she get lung cancer, and the worst possible form of lung cancer! Its been a year and half sense my mother's diagnosis. She is don't well right now. As a family we have learned to be strong, and to take one day at a time, becuase truly that is the only day that is really given to us. In other words, tomorrow is not promised, so you have to enjoy the moment of right now. I love my mom with all my heart and I will not lose hope.