Personal History Timeline

  • Birthday

    I was born on 11/11/04. In our home town Illinois Lake in the Hills. My parents named me after a place in Illinois as we could always have a part of our hometown with us.
  • Grandma visited hometown

    On my birthday my grandma visited our hometown for the first time. We shortly went camping with her once she visited, at a camp down in Michigan. There was also a tornado once we had went camping a few days into our camping trip.
  • My Brother was Born

    My Brother was Born
    My brother was also born in our hometown Illinois, Lake in the Hills. They also named after a place, but in Utah. It was also the same date we got another dog, named Ruby.
  • Visited family in Maryland

    Visited family in Maryland
    I visited my family in Maryland, to see my grandma. Its where I met half of my family that I never have seen before. We went to multiple monuments in Washington DC while we visited Maryland.
  • First Trip to California

    In 2008 we made our first trip to California. Me and my family met some family friends there, and went to Lego Land. We also spent a day at the San Diego zoo aswell.
  • Learned how to ride a bike

    In 2009 I learned how to a bike for the first time with no training wheels. My dad had taken off the training wheels and taught me how to balance. I remember riding my bike on my own and my neighbors were cheering me on.
  • First day of Kindergarten

    First day of Kindergarten
    On August 26th, I started my first day of Kindergarten at Mackaben Elementary school. My teacher was Ms.Lopez, and she taught us how to write numbers for the first time. I remember taking the bus for the first time and I was really scared.
  • Moved to Utah

    Moved to Utah
    In 2011, we left our hometown Illinois for Utah where we had more family. My family and I were all ready to move out of our old house, and drive all the way to Utah. We had multiple stops as we drove across country, with everything for our new house.
  • Met my new best friend

    Met my new best friend
    I met my best friend for the first time as we were walking to school. We didn't have the same classes at the time but, we still did a lot of things together. My best friend and I (although no classes together or anything) we would spend a lot of time together in school.
  • Went Camping in Utah

    For our first time in Utah, my family and I finally went camping with our other sides of our family. As we went camping to Topaz Mountain, and went searching for topaz. All together as a family we also hiked up some mountains all together.
  • Went to first Concert

    Went to first Concert
    In 2014 I went to my first concert which was Katy Perry. I went with my cousins, my aunt, and my mom. The concert was at The Vivint smart home arena.
  • Went to Washing D.C

    My family and I went to Washington D.C for the first time. We visited Arlington National Cemetery, and got to see a bunch of monuments. We also went to the National Aquarium, and I remember being scared of the top of the building.
  • First Sleep away Camp

    First Sleep away Camp
    My first time I actually left my parents for a week, and would spend a week camping with just friends. I met multiple new friends and new hobbies I thought I would never have. At that camp I learned how to take care of the animals (horses they had) and also for my friends.
  • Started Middle School

    Started Middle School
    I started my first day of middle school on August 21st, at Sunset Ridge. It was my first time being at that school as I have no older siblings so I was completely new. Although to me 7th grade was the hardest year for me, I enjoyed every moment.
  • First Birthday Party

    First Birthday Party
    For my birthday I wanted to throw a birthday party. For my birthday party we went to an escape room with all of my friends, we were on two teams against each other. Afterwards we celebrated more of my birthday by opening presents and eating cake.
  • Started my Fitness Journey

    In 2019 I started my fitness journey with weight lifting and exercising. It was my first time working out with a bunch of kids my age too. I remember being really nervous and barley lifting any heavy weight.
  • Started Highschool

    I started high school at Itineris Early College High School, and its a completely new school for me. I never heard of it before until my friend brought it up to me. It's a new fresh start, and also a fresh start with new friends.