Personal history timeline

By aconde1
  • Birthdate

    On July 7th 2005 my mom gave birth to me in Utah. I have the same birthday as my cousin except we were born on different years. On the day I was born I ruined her party because instead of everyone going to her party they came to visit me at the hospital.
  • Ears Pierced

    Ears Pierced
    When I was about one year old my parents took me to go get my ears pierced I don't remember much but can definitely imagine how painful it was. Later they gave me a black teddy bear with a small pink heart on it, I still have it to this day but now its just used as a display.
  • first dog

    first dog
    At age 2 I got my first dog. He was a small white fluffy Maltese very similar to the picture below. Unfortunately he died the same year because he was really sick & the treatments weren't helping him anymore so we put him down because the docters said he wouldn't get better & he'd only be suffering.
  • First vacation

    First vacation
    My first vacation was to Disneyland resort. It was a very fun trip I can hardly remember it but from the pictures I've seen of myself it looks like I was having the best time. Although I didn't get to ride all the rides because I was so small I really enjoyed it. Also going on a vacation every year has became a tradition.
  • First bike

    First bike
    At age 4 I got my 1st bike for my birthday. I remember it was a teal & purple Tinkerbell bike with tassels on the side of it. I rode it with my doll in the front baggy it had until it started raining out of nowhere & i had to go inside
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    My first day of school was something I waited for so long, ever since I was little I would beg my mom to take me to school but I was too young. Until the day finally came & I was so excited. I remember showing up with my Winnie the poo backpack and my hello kitty shirt to my elementary school called Westbrook elementary.
  • My second dog

    I got my second dog at age 6 he was the same bread as my first dog & his name is Bengie. Fortunately he's still with us & he's been my bestfriend ever since we got him
  • Dance

    At age 7 I started my first dance class. The type of dance style was ballet/jazz but the same year I joined cheer. I really enjoyed my first class & my first year I started we went to cowabunga bay & the festival of trees to perform.
  • Braces

    At age 8 I started the process of my braces & by the middle of the year I already had them on. It was a very painful process considering they had to pull out five of my teeth & I had to miss my first day of 2nd grade.
  • BFF

    In third grade I became friends with my best friend. At first we didn't like each other because we were both kinda brats in elementary but then we became super close & now to this day we are still best friends.
  • Gymnastics & Boxing

    In 2015 I joined a gymnastics class and I also tried out boxing. I did one class of boxing but realized that it wasn't for me. I also did almost 2 years of gymnastics and later stopped because I had too many things going on in my life.
  • Last year in elementary

    In mid 2016 & the beginning 2017 I started my last year of elementary I remember it was a lot of fun. We went on many field trips and had many fun activities. I also had my sixth grade graduation where I won many awards & were me and some of my friends split up because we were going to different middle schools.
  • 12th birthday Vacation

    For my 12th birthday we went on the longest vacation of 1 week & a half. We went to Disneyland and stayed in the hotel resort & we went to universal studios, visited LA and got tour & went to San Francisco.
  • My first Niece

    In October 17, 2018 my first niece was born. She was born premature so she was taken to the NICU. I wasn't able to visit her the first time we went to the hospital because I looked younger than 13 and I didn't take my school ID so they had no way of knowing but the second time I took my ID & they let me.
  • Meeting my Grandma

    On may 5th 2019 I got to meet both both of my grandmas for the first time. They got lost at the airport & we couldn't find them so we were all stressing because we couldn't find them & they didn't answer the phone until we found them sitting on a bench with their phones right next to them. After that while they were still here we took them on a little trip to Vegas because they wanted to gamble.
  • Almost died

    This year has got to be the craziest year yet but besides the obvious here's how I thought I was going to die, I went jet skiing & the waves were bad but anyways I was riding the jet ski and I got knocked off by the waves, lost the key, & had a panic attack until this nice family on a boat helped me & got me to land with my parents which later told me that I didn't need the key in order for the jet ski to work, they said it was just for an emergency. So technically I made a scene for no reason.