Ministry of Education created.
University places
90% of university places are reserved for men of HM forces. -
School leaving age raised to 15
Children now completed an education at 15 years of age. -
Introduction of O levels and A levels
School leaving age raised to 16
The leaving age for pupils was raised to its current age for main stream school. -
£76 Million cut to education budget.
Introduction of the National Curriculum
Introduced into state schools of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Along with this came the introduction of GCSEs for 16 year olds. -
Introduction of Ofsted
Ofsted was created as a monitoring body fro schools. -
SATs introduced for 7 year olds
Pupils would now sit tests at 7 years old. -
Introduction of NVQs
General National Vocational Qualifications are introduced. -
A* added to GCSE grading
SATs introduced for 11 year olds
Year 6 SATs -
SATs introduced for 14 year olds
Year 9 SATs -
Overhaul of Alevels
Introduction of AS levels and six module courses. -
My Education -Start Nursery
Began nursery at St.John's Primary School -
Workload Agreement
A teacher workload agreement is signed by employers, the government and teacher unions. -
Introduction of A* to A level grading
Removal of year 9 SATs
My Education -Finished Primary School
My Education -Started Secondary Education
Shire Oak Academy -
My Education -Started Extra Curriculum Activities.
Starting after school clubs such as Maths Club and STEM club increased my interest in teaching and enriched my education as a whole. -
Introduction of the English Baccaloriate
The introduction of this qualification meant the year was split and placed onto different pathways for GCSE options limiting the academic students to ensure they achieved the award. -
Government announces overhaul of Curriculum
Set to focus on British history and literature. -
Academies Act
The academies act becomes law making way for transformation of many schools into academies. -
Removal of Module Examinations
Removing the module exams meant that I was apart of the first year to sit all modules of the GCSE at the end of the year. This meant I had 9 science exams alone. -
My Education -Year 9 GCSE Choices
Being put on a certain pathway meant I took Triple Science, French, Geography and Statistics as additional GCSEs. -
My Education -Sixth Form Application Completed
Applied to continue at Shire Oak Academy to study A-levels. -
My Education -Finished GCSEs
Completed compulsory education at Shire Oak -
Changes to National Curriculum
Programmes of study and attainment targets are set out for all maintained schools across all key stages. -
My Education -Started AS-levels
Started studying; Maths, Further Maths, Economics and Geography. -
Removal of Module Examinations
Once again we were the first year to sit all module exams at the end of the year instead of sitting January and June exams. -
My Education -AS Results Day
Receiving my results meant I had to carefully consider my next steps for A level dropping Economics and continuing with my other three A-levels. -
Changes for English and Maths
New curriculum for Maths and English is introduced for years 2,6 and 10. -
My Education -Applied to UCAS
Finished my application to the University of Wolverhampton, Nottingham Trent University and Sheffield Hallam University for the Mathematics and Secondary Education (QTS) course. -
My Education -A-Level Results Day
Received results and was accepted onto this course. -
Year 11 changes to Curriculum
New Curriculum introduced for year 11 pupils in Maths and English and year 10 in Science. -
My Education -Started University
Science curriculum changes
Final introduction of the new curriculum to year 11 pupils in Science