Personal Development

  • Zygote Stage

    Zygote Stage
    My cells began to differentiate into special locations.
  • Birth

    I was born very small, wieghing 2kg 200g.
  • Motor Development

    Motor Development
    I began crawling at around 5 months old.
  • Sensorimotor Stage

    Sensorimotor Stage
    A year and a few months after I was born, I began grabbing random objects, looking at them, and had a tendensy of putting them in my mouth until my mother hurried over, pulled the object away, and said "No no! You don't put that in your mouth!"
  • Secure Attachment

    Secure Attachment
    When I was a baby, I lost it when my mother left the room, and clung to her when she got back.
  • Preoperational Stage

    Preoperational Stage
    At the age of 6, I began wanting to really understand explain, organize, manipulate, construct, and predict things.
  • Concrete Operational Stage

    Concrete Operational Stage
    At the age of 8, I became less egcentricand and better at conservation tasks. This means that I started to fully understand that although the appearance of something changes, the thing itself does not.
  • Formal Operational Stage

    Formal Operational Stage
    When I was 11, I developed the ability to combine and classify items in a more sophisticated way and higher-order reasoning. I also began to understand simple concepts of math and found it interesting.
  • Puberty

    It became clear when I got my first period when I was 13. Poor 13 year old me... I freaked out and cried, and was frustrated at my mother's excitement.
  • Adolescence

    I am now 16, and just like Erikson believed, I am currently struggling with figuring myself out. One of my main internal conflits is my confusion between identity and role confusion.
  • Parenting Styles

    Parenting Styles
    I am athoritative with my kids. I enforce rules, limits, and standards but also explain, discuss, listen, and express respect for my kids' ideas and wishes.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    At the age of 44, I entered a phase known as the midlife crisis. It was a time of reevaluation that lead me to questioning my long‐held beliefs and values.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    At the age of 51, I entered menopause