Personal and Historical Time Line

By ginap
  • My birth

  • Hurricane Katrina Hits New Orleans

    Hurricane Katrina Hits New Orleans
    Hurricane Katrina was one of the most devastating natural events to occur. I wiped out thousands of people and their homes. When I visited New Orleans I really got the feeling of how that hurricane affected all of those people.
  • First Iphone Launches

    First Iphone Launches
    The launch of the first iphone was huge! It was the first phone that looked like it, had the most advanced tech for the time and changed the way people communicate. These phones made a huge difference in my life and every generation who got them. Being able to talk to someone so easily was amazing.
  • Obama Became President

  • Getting Kevin

    Getting Kevin
  • Aurora Theater Shooting

    Aurora Theater Shooting
    Again this is one of the scariest shootings that has happened in Colorado, it stoke fear into people who simply wanted to go to a movie because no one knew what would happen. This even killed 12 people.
  • Winning a Soccer Tournament

    Soccer has always been a big part of my life, and our team needed one win to win the tournament. We where down 4-2 and it was the beginning on the second half, I scored my friend and I where both put in forward and ended up scoring 4 goals letting us win the game. This taught be to keep working as a team and to keep trying and reaching for the goal that you have always wanted.
  • Terrorist Attack in France

    Terrorist Attack in France
    This terrorist attack was one of the most deadly terrorist attack in France, killing 130 and injuring 430 people. ISIS planted bombs and bombers throughout a music concert, this was one of the first attacks ISIS made and sparked a large outrage.
  • My sister moves to NYC

    My sister moves to NYC
    My middle sister Haley decided to move to New York and get a job out there. I am very close with her and I was hard on me and my family having a family member so far away. She still lives out there at a salon but may be moving back soon. This showed me to not take family for advantage, you never know how long you may have them in your life for.
  • Baking Championship

    Baking Championship
    Ever sense I was a little girl I always loved to bake. As I got older I found a stronger love for it and started practicing more. One day in June I got a call from Food Network saying they wanted me on a baking championship. Unfortunately I was to old to compete, but I have never stopped baking. I know that hard work will pay off and if I truly love this I will keep striving to be better.
  • Donald Trump became Prez

  • Breaking my Ankle

  • Trip to Ireland and Scotland

    I absolutely love to travel, so when the opportunity of traveling to Europe for 10 days with some of my best friends came up I had to go. I went on a trip with my middle school and it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I really opened my eyes to new parts of the world.
  • Trespassing in Ireland and Scotland

    Trespassing in Ireland and Scotland
    I went on a class trip with my middle school and it was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. One day my friends and I went exploring on the campus we were stating at. We ended up swimming in a lake that was not for swimming. Security came and talked to us, moral of the story read signs around lakes in Europe. And take some risks and make good stories.
  • Joining Hair + Makeup Crew

    Joining Hair + Makeup Crew
    The beginning of freshmen year my best friend and I decided to join theater, having no idea it would lead to such an amazing family. I get into hair and makeup crew, and I ended up making some of the best friends I would ever have. Joining this family showed me to give all my effort into something I am passionate about and to step outside your comfort zone.
  • Parkland Shooting

    The Parkland Shooting that happened in Florida was one of the worst school shootings we have seen, it sparked a movement to get stricter gun regulations and protect kids.
  • World Wide School Walkout

    World Wide School Walkout
    This was one the most influential movements that has happened in my generation. It was the first walkout I attended and it was such a unique experience. It showed me to not be afraid of what I believe in and to stand up for whats right.
  • Kate Spade Commits Suicide

  • Trip to New Orleans

    Trip to New Orleans
  • Immigrant children become seperated