Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE
The Persian wars
The Persians tried to conquer Greece but failed even though they were much bigger then Greece. There were three wars. The first was the battle of Marathon which was won by Greece, they used a formation called Phalanx. When they won Pheidippides ran 26 miles to inform Athens that they won. The 2nd was the battle of Thermopylae. 300 Spartans held 10,000 Persians for 3 days at a mountain pass but lost.The third was the Battle of Salamis which Greece won. Greece sunk 1/3 of Persian ships. -
Period: 479 BCE to 431 BCE
Golden Age of Athens
Athens was very powerful and wealthy because they became leaders of the Delian league. The economic prosperity of the Athens led them into the golden age of culture. Including sculptures, philosophy, democracy, and theater. The Golden Age happened between the Persian and the Peloponnesian wars. Pericles was the leader of Athens during the time. He Increased Democracy by introducing direct democracy. He strengthened the empire by building a strong navy. Lastly he made Athens beautiful. -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian War
They main cause of the war was because Athens became to powerful as the leaders of the Delian League. Some of the city-states wanted to leave the Delian league because of the harsh rules and fees. If they did leave Athens would conquer them. Sparta created the peloponnesian league to counter the Delian league. Two years into the war Athens encounters a plague that kills 1/3 of the population of Athens. Sparta wins the war.Both Sparta and Athens were effected greatly by the war. -
Period: 356 BCE to 323 BCE
Alexander the Great
When Phillip the second died Alexander the Great became king at age 20. He was well trained and well educated because he was tutored by Aristotle and had gone with his father on military missions. Alexander the Great conquered Greece, Anatolia, Egypt, Persia, and India in this order. After he reached India he stopped and turned back. He then shortly died of Malaria when he was 33. After he died his empire was split up between his generals. He was a strong and powerful leader with ups and downs.