Persian gulf war timeline

  • Saddam Hussein : start of the problem

    Saddam Hussein : start of the problem
    Iraqi president Saddam Hussein says that oil overproduction by Kuwait and United Arab Emirates was an "economic warfare" against Iraq.
  • problem increases

    Iraq accuses Kuwait of stealing oil from the Rumaila oil field, Iraq's oil field near the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border and warns of military action.
  • iran deploys troops

    Iraq begins deploying troops to the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border and building a massive military buildup.Saddam invades Kuwait with an army of 100,000 men and 200 tanks. The Kuwaiti royal family takes refuge in Saudi Arabia. The United Nations condemns the invasion through U.N. Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 660.
  • us involvement

    President of the United States George H.W. Bush announces that U.S. Navy ships are deployed to the Persian Gulf
  • operation desert shield

    operation desert shield
    an order that prepared American troops to become part of an international coalition in the war against Ira, after the invasion of Kuwait. The U.S. sends advance elements of what will become a large U.S. military force to Saudi Arabia. Ultimately, the U.S.-led coalition will field 670,000 troops, of which 425,000 are from the United States.
  • congress involvement

    congress involvement
    U.S. Congress passed a joint resolution authorizing the use of military force in Iraq and Kuwait. The votes were 52-47 in the U.S. Senate and 250-183 in the House of Representatives. These were the closest margins in authorizing force by the Congress since the War of 1812.
  • operation desert storm

    operation desert storm
    Operation Desert Storm begins with a massive air campaign against Iraqi infrastructure and military forces. Over a 38-day period, the coalition flies more than 110,000 sorties against Iraq. The air campaign, which includes B-52 bombing runs, is designed to disrupt Iraqi communications, degrade its military forces, and break the morale of its soldiers.
  • iraq defense

    iraq defense
    Saddam Hussein ordered the destruction of Kuwaiti oil wells. He blew up several oil wells, then pumped millions of gallons of oil into the Persian Gulf.
  • iraq defense #2

    in addition to burning down the oil wells, Iraqi troops also dumped millions of gallons of crude oil into the Persian Gulf.
  • withdrawal

    Iraqi president Saddam Hussein announces that Iraq will withdraw from Kuwait immediately but does not renounce Iraq’s claim to Kuwait. U.S. and allied forces bomb a convoy of retreating Iraqi troops, killing hundreds.
  • suspension of offensive combat

    U.S. and allied forces enter Kuwait City. U.S. President George Bush declares the suspension of offensive combat operations against Iraq.
  • iraq accepts terms

    Iraq accepts the terms of a cease-fire agreement presented by General Schwarzkopf.
  • no fly zone established

    The Iraqi no-fly zones were established. it contained a set of two separate no-fly zones, and put in place in order to protect the Kurds in northern Iraq and Muslims in the south. Iraqi aircraft were forbidden from flying inside the zones
  • Kuwaiti independence

    The Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait was unanimously condemned by all major world powers. Even countries traditionally considered to be close Iraqi allies, such as France and India, called for immediate withdrawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait. later, Iraq recognises Kuwaiti independence and the borders it shares with Iraq
  • iraq ends its co-operation

    iraq ends its co-operation with the United Nations special commission, an inspection regime created by the United Nations to ensure Iraq's compliance with policies concerning Iraqi production and use of weapons of mass destruction