Iranian Coup d'etat
Successful overthrow of iranian prime minister Mohammed Mosaddegh
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'%C3%A9tat -
Shah Reza Pahlavi
The Shah saw himself as heir to the kings of ancient Iran, and in 1971 he held an extravagant celebration of 2,500 years of Persian monarchy. http://www.iranchamber.com/history/mohammad_rezashah/mohammad_rezashah.php#sthash.Htnhtnu8.dpuf
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/Mohammad_Reza_Pahlavi.jpg -
Shapur Bakhtair
Majanes Grandfather, Shapur Bakhtair was born.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapour_Bakhtiar -
Iranian Revolution
The Shah left Iran for exile on January 16, 1979, as the last Persian monarch, leaving his duties to a regency council and an opposition-based prime minister. Ayatollah Khomeini was invited back to Iran by the government.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Iranian_Revolution_in_Shahyad_Square.jpg -
Hezbollah Targets citizens
Hezbollah kidnapped tens of foreign citizens, killed a lot of them, attempted to assassinated the Kuwatii empir, placed many explosives throughout Paris
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah -
Iran- Iraq war begins
The Iran–Iraq War began when Iraq invaded Iran by air and land on 22 September 1980. It followed a long history of border disputes, and was lead on by fears that the Iranian Revolution in 1979 would inspire insurgency with Iraq's long-suppressed Shia majority, as well as Iraq's want to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_War#/media/File:Iran-Iraq_war-gallery.png -
Iraq-Iran war begins; Iraq invades Iran
I The then Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein claimed as a reason for the invasion a territorial dispute over the Shatt al-Arab, the waterway which forms the boundary bet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–Iraq_War
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Iran-Iraq_war-gallery.png -
Original French Persepolis published
Persepolis is an autobiographical graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi depicting her childhood up to her early adult years in Iran during and after the Islamic revolution.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/10/Persepolis-books1and2-covers.jpg -
Cannes Film Festival
Wong Kar-wai's My Blueberry Nights opened the festival,and Denys Arcand's The Age of Ignorance closed .(Wong was the 2006 Cannes Film Festival's Jury president). The President of the Official Jury was British director Stephen Frears.