
  • Burning of “Un-German” Books

    Burning of “Un-German” Books
    People burned books that didn’t talk positive about the Germans This is unfair because people can right what they want
  • Press Censorship Law

    Press Censorship Law
    The German Propaganda Ministry kept registries of “racially pure” editors and journalists. New reporters had to register and show they were not Jewish. This shows unfair treatment because they could not work as an reports or journalists
  • Jehovah’s Witness Organization Banned

    Jehovah’s Witness Organization Banned
    The government banned bible and tract society

    Thay where not able to practise the religion that they believed in
  • Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor

    Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor
    People who are Jewish can only marry Jews.They can't marry anybody that is not a Jew. this unfair because that do not have the freedom to marry whoever they want
  • Sudetenland Ceded to Germany

    Sudetenland Ceded to Germany
    Hitler threatened war to Czechoslovakia in September, 1938. Hitler threatened war if Czechoslovakia didn’t let surrender Sudetenland to Germany.
    This is unfair cuz the jewish was under Hitlers control
  • Kristallnacht Attacks

    Kristallnacht Attacks
    German Government declared an attack on Jewish Businesses, homes, and synagodes. 30,000 jews men and boys were arrested and sent to concentration camps
    Thay did not do anything wrong
  • Jewish name law

    Jewish name law
    The Law was that jews could not have businesses or engaging in trade this is unfair because they cant do what they want to do
  • St. Louis Sails

    St. Louis Sails
    A ship carrying Jewish refugees set sail to the Americas to try to help the Jewish people, but they were denied entrance into the countries there, so had to return back to Europe. This is unfair because the jewish was not let off the ship cuz of Hitler
  • Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews

    Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews
    Anyone who was caught helping a jew would be sent to Poland for a death penalty
    This is unfair because people need help every now and then