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Periods of Egyptian history

  • 2700 BCE

    A new dynasty rose to power in Egypt

    This dynasty was called the third dynasty
  • 2700 BCE

    Smooth sided pyramids started to be built

    The steps of the pyramids were covered and filled with limestone.
  • 2700 BCE

    The power of Egyptian monarchy reached its zenith

    Zenith means the height or highest point at the time
  • Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Building and maintaining pyramids costed too much. Pharaohs could not collect enough taxes to keep up with expenses. For the next 160 years after the falling of the old kingdom, Egypt had no rulers.
  • 2500 BCE

    Khufu reigned as a pharaoh

    Little knowledge is known about Khufu, despite his popularity.
  • 2200 BCE

    Falling of the Old Kingdom

    Falling of the Old Kingdom
    The old kingdom fell because of a decline in wealth and power of pharaohs. Nobles were the cause of the falling because they challenged the pharaohs.
  • 2050 BCE

    Powerful pharaoh defeated his rivals

    Powerful pharaoh defeated his rivals
    His rule after he defeated his rivals led to the beginning of the Middle Kingdom.
  • 2050 BCE

    A period of order and stability started to unfold

    This happened because one pharaoh was ruling and helping the people make decisions
  • Period: 2050 BCE to 1750 BCE

    Middle Kindom

    A period of order and stability in Egypt that lasted to about 1750 BC.
  • 2040 BCE

    The nobles reign ended

    There was no central ruler from 2200 - 2040 bc.
  • 1750 BCE

    Hyksos invade Lower Egypt

    Hyksos invade Lower Egypt
    They used horses, chariots, and advanced weapons to conquer Lower Egypt. Hyksos ruled Egypt as pharaohs for the next 200 years.
  • 1750 BCE

    Egypt be an to fall into disorder once more

    This happened because of the Hyksos
  • 1550 BCE

    Hyksos’s reign starts to end

    The reign ending sets off the start of the new kingdom.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1050 BCE

    New Kingdom

    The period in which Egypt reached the height of its power and glory.
  • 1500 BCE

    Ahmose drove the Hyksos out of Egypt

    Ahmose drove the Hyksos out of Egypt
    Ahmose is also known as Thebes. He declared himself as king.
  • 1400 BCE

    Egypt becomes the leading military power in the region

    Egypt becomes the leading military power in the region
    Egyptian empire extended from the Euphrates River to southern Nubia.
  • 1400 BCE

    This is the shape of the New Kingdom in 1400 B.C.

    This is the shape of the New Kingdom in 1400 B.C.
    These trade routes allowed the New Kingdom to have access to a bunch of resources around them
  • 1200 BCE

    Ramses the Great fought the Hittites, who came from Asia Minor

    Ramses the Great fought the Hittites, who came from Asia Minor
    The two fought fiercely for years, but they couldn’t defeat each other.