2000 BCE
Biblical Period
Also time of Hebrew Bible -
1050 BCE
King Saul reign (1050-1010 BCE)
1010 BCE
King David reign (1010-970 BCE)
970 BCE
King Solomon (970-930 BCE)
960 BCE
Solomon's temple in Jerusalem completed
931 BCE
Split between Kingdom of Israel and Kingdrom of Judah
740 BCE
Prophesy of Isiah (740-700 BCE)
721 BCE
Israel went into captivity by Shalmaneser of Assyria
721 BCE
Judah went into captivity by Babylonian empire under Nebuchadnezzar
597 BCE
First deportation to Babylon
538 BCE
Beginning of Restoration
Period: 538 BCE to 332 BCE
Persian Period
522 BCE
Darius the First reigned (522-486 BCE)
515 BCE
Second temple dedicated
465 BCE
Artaxerxes the First reigned (465-424 BCE)
454 BCE
The temple was rebuilt
445 BCE
Walls of Jerusalem rebuilt
423 BCE
Darius the Second reigned (423-404 BCE)
419 BCE
The Passover Papyrus from Elephantine
404 BCE
Artaxerxes the Second reigned (404-358 BCE)
401 BCE
Egypt freed from Persian rule
333 BCE
Conquests of Alexander the Great (333-323 BCE)
332 BCE
Alexander the Great conquers Palestine
Period: 332 BCE to 63 BCE
Hellinistic-Hasmonean Period
330 BCE
Alexander's invasion of Persian empire
323 BCE
Alexander's death
160 BCE
Jonathon reign (160-141 BCE)
134 BCE
John Hycranus reign (134-104 BCE)
104 BCE
Alexander Jannaeus reign (104-76 BCE)
73 BCE
Fall of Masada
67 BCE
Aristobulus the Second reign (67-63 BCE)
63 BCE
Hyrocanus the Second reign (63-40 BCE)
Period: 63 BCE to 70
Roman Period
62 BCE
Death of Apostle Paul
44 BCE
Assassination of Julius Casesar
37 BCE
Herod the Great reign (37 BCE - 4 CE)
27 BCE
Augustus Caesar reign (27 BCE - 14 CE)
Roman governors begin rule
Pontius Pilate reign (26-36 CE)
Massacre of Jews of Alexandria
Titus conquers Jerusalem
Temple destroyed