Periods in Early Judaism

By aklug
  • 2000 BCE

    Biblical Period

    Also time of Hebrew Bible
  • 1050 BCE

    King Saul reign (1050-1010 BCE)

  • 1010 BCE

    King David reign (1010-970 BCE)

  • 970 BCE

    King Solomon (970-930 BCE)

  • 960 BCE

    Solomon's temple in Jerusalem completed

  • 931 BCE

    Split between Kingdom of Israel and Kingdrom of Judah

  • 740 BCE

    Prophesy of Isiah (740-700 BCE)

  • 721 BCE

    Israel went into captivity by Shalmaneser of Assyria

  • 721 BCE

    Judah went into captivity by Babylonian empire under Nebuchadnezzar

  • 597 BCE

    First deportation to Babylon

  • 538 BCE

    Beginning of Restoration

  • Period: 538 BCE to 332 BCE

    Persian Period

  • 522 BCE

    Darius the First reigned (522-486 BCE)

  • 515 BCE

    Second temple dedicated

  • 465 BCE

    Artaxerxes the First reigned (465-424 BCE)

  • 454 BCE

    The temple was rebuilt

  • 445 BCE

    Walls of Jerusalem rebuilt

  • 423 BCE

    Darius the Second reigned (423-404 BCE)

  • 419 BCE

    The Passover Papyrus from Elephantine

  • 404 BCE

    Artaxerxes the Second reigned (404-358 BCE)

  • 401 BCE

    Egypt freed from Persian rule

  • 333 BCE

    Conquests of Alexander the Great (333-323 BCE)

  • 332 BCE

    Alexander the Great conquers Palestine

  • Period: 332 BCE to 63 BCE

    Hellinistic-Hasmonean Period

  • 330 BCE

    Alexander's invasion of Persian empire

  • 323 BCE

    Alexander's death

  • 160 BCE

    Jonathon reign (160-141 BCE)

  • 134 BCE

    John Hycranus reign (134-104 BCE)

  • 104 BCE

    Alexander Jannaeus reign (104-76 BCE)

  • 73 BCE

    Fall of Masada

  • 67 BCE

    Aristobulus the Second reign (67-63 BCE)

  • 63 BCE

    Hyrocanus the Second reign (63-40 BCE)

  • Period: 63 BCE to 70

    Roman Period

  • 62 BCE

    Death of Apostle Paul

  • 44 BCE

    Assassination of Julius Casesar

  • 37 BCE

    Herod the Great reign (37 BCE - 4 CE)

  • 27 BCE

    Augustus Caesar reign (27 BCE - 14 CE)

  • 6

    Roman governors begin rule

  • 26

    Pontius Pilate reign (26-36 CE)

  • 66

    Massacre of Jews of Alexandria

  • 70

    Titus conquers Jerusalem

  • 70

    Temple destroyed