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Chapter 29

  • The Chinese Government Tried to Put an End Tiananmen Square Which Resulted in the U.S. Sanctions on China

    The Chinese Government Tried to Put an End Tiananmen Square Which Resulted in the U.S. Sanctions on China
  • The Berlin Wall Fell

    The Berlin Wall Fell
  • Period: to

    A New World Order

    Chapter 29
  • Inaguration Day

    Inaguration Day
    George H.W. Bush took office after Ronald Reagan
  • Operation Desert Storm Aided Kuwait in the Fight For Independence

    Operation Desert Storm Aided Kuwait in the Fight For Independence
  • Clarance Thomas Was Confirmed to the Supreme Court

    Clarance Thomas Was Confirmed to the Supreme Court
  • Oslo Accords Between Israel and PLO Announced

    Oslo Accords Between Israel and PLO Announced
  • Clinton Signed the NAFTA Agreement

    Clinton Signed the NAFTA Agreement
  • Republican Contract With America Accounced

    Republican Contract With America Accounced
  • Dayton Peace Accords

    Dayton Peace Accords
  • Clinton Passed the Welfare Reform Act

    Clinton Passed the Welfare Reform Act
  • Clinton Was Re-elected

    Clinton Was Re-elected
  • Clinton’s Affair with Monica Lewinsky Came to Light

    Clinton’s Affair with Monica Lewinsky Came to Light
  • The Holy War Was Announced

    The Holy War Was Announced
  • Google Founded

    Google Founded
  • Clinton’s Impeachment Trail Was Held

    Clinton’s Impeachment Trail Was Held
  • Clinton Was Acquitted of All Charges

    Clinton Was Acquitted of All Charges
  • Y2K Scare

    Y2K Scare
  • Dot.com Bust

    Dot.com Bust
  • George W. Bush Was Inaguragted as President

    George W. Bush Was Inaguragted as President