period 9

  • Yasser Arafat

    Yasser Arafat
    Palestinian political leader who sought to destroy Israel
  • Sandinistas

    Democratic socialist party in Nicaragua that over threw the dictator
  • PLO

    Palestinian struggle to retake Israel
  • William Rehnquist

    William Rehnquist
    supreme court justice who was appointed by nixon
  • California V. Bakke

    California V. Bakke
    court case that allowed race to be a determining factor in college admission
  • Moral majority

    Moral majority
    christian and republican political organization dedicated to God
  • Saddam Hussein

    Saddam Hussein
    president of Iraq, and leader of the Arab socialist party
  • Glasnost and Perestroika

    Glasnost and Perestroika
    soviet political leaders who sought reform in the communist party
  • PACTO strike

    PACTO strike
    air traffic controllers strike, reagan said that if they didn't report to work within 48 hours, they would be fired
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    40th president of the US, president who solved the Iran hostage crisis
  • Supply-side economics

    Supply-side economics
    economic growth can be achieved by lowering taxes
  • trickle down economics

    trickle down economics
    idea that if the businesses get tax cuts, that it will create jobs and more money for the employees
  • economic recovery tax act

    economic recovery tax act
    lowered taxes for small businesses to save up and become more stable
  • Sandra Day O'Connor

    Sandra Day O'Connor
    first women to serve on the supreme court
  • AIDS

    originally called the gay plague, began to effect drug users and minorities
  • Boland amendment

    Boland amendment
    ban of aid to the contras for 2 years
  • Beirut Bombings

    Beirut Bombings
    terror bombings during the Lebanese civil war
  • Walter Mondale

    Walter Mondale
    lost to reagan in a landslide, first candidate to have a women vice president
  • Geraldine Ferraro

    Geraldine Ferraro
    first women vice president candidate
  • SDI

    A proposed missile defense system with the purpose to shoot down ballistic nuclear missiles
  • Iran-Contra affair

    Iran-Contra affair
    political scandal between the US and Iran during the Reagan administration
  • Enron

    American energy, commodities, and services in Houston TX
  • Immigration Act of 1986

    Immigration Act of 1986
    act that made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants, with a consequence of fines and penalties
  • Tear down this wall

    Tear down this wall
    speech given by Reagan in Berlin to tear the Berlin wall down and reunited Germany
  • INF agreement

    INF agreement
    agreement between the US and the soviet union to get rid of short range missiles
  • Read my lips, no new taxes

    Read my lips, no new taxes
    line spoken by George H.W. Bush at the republican convention, ended up having to pass a tax law years later and broke the promise
  • Al-Qaeda

    Islamic terror group founded by Osama Bin Laden
  • George H.W. Bush

    George H.W. Bush
    41st president of the US, and president during the fall of the Soviet union
  • Tiananmen Square

    Tiananmen Square
    Student led demonstration opposing communist rule in China
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    fall of the wall the divided Germany, reuniting the country into one and bringing families back together, celebration of people smashing the wall
  • Panama Invasion

    Panama Invasion
    US invasion of Panama (operation just cause) to over throw a dictator that was suppressing democracy
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    the last leader of the soviet union and a member of the communist party
  • Religious Fundamentalism

    Religious Fundamentalism
    belief that the written religious texts are 100% true, awakening of religious beliefs
  • Lech Walesa

    Lech Walesa
    Polish president who headed the first independent trade union in the Soviet Bloc
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    War against Iraq for the invasion of Kuwait
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    act that made it illegal to discriminate against anyone based on disabilities
  • Nuclear Proliferation

    Nuclear Proliferation
    the spread of nuclear weapons to nations that were not authorized to have them
  • internet

    used to send graphics and multimedia across the world
  • Boris Yeltsin

    Boris Yeltsin
    first president of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR
  • Breakup of the Soviet Union

    Breakup of the Soviet Union
    soviet union falls apart due to not being able to keep up the cold war with the US, leaving eastern Europe to be ran democratically
  • Start I and II

    Start I and II
    treaty signed between the US and the USSR to limit arms
  • Clarence Thomas

    Clarence Thomas
    2nd African American to hold a seat on the Supreme Court
  • Bosnia and Kosovo

    Bosnia and Kosovo
    conflict that was fought between the new independent state of Kosovo and Bosnia, led to a genocide of Bosnian Muslims and was the first time NATO had to send in offensive soldiers in 50 years
  • ethnic cleansing

    ethnic cleansing
    Bosnian Christians sought to remove Bosnian Muslims from the country through genocide
  • Kyoto Accord

    Kyoto Accord
    the treaty that extended the UNFCCC that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gases
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    first democratic president since Jimmy Carter, and he wanted to attempt to establish universal health care for all Americans, eventually impeached for sexual misconduct
  • Brady Bill

    Brady Bill
    provision of a US bill that required a waiting period and background checks on handguns
  • NRA

    National Rifle Association, held large amounts of political influence in the government and supported gun control in the Brady Bill
  • Deficit Reduction Budget

    Deficit Reduction Budget
    budget that was enacted by Bill Clinton to reduce spending and to create a surplus in trade
  • West Bank and the Gaza Strip

    West Bank and the Gaza Strip
    Palestinian territories under control of Israel
  • European Union

    European Union
    political and economic union of 28 countries in Europe
  • Al Gore

    Al Gore
    served as the 45 US vice president, lost to George W. Bush in the 2000 election
  • Failure of the Health Reform (1990s)

    Failure of the Health Reform (1990s)
    healthcare fail that was proposed by the Clinton administration, it was led by Hillary Clinton and was not understood and became complicated and failed
  • Don't ask, Don't tell

    Don't ask, Don't tell
    military policy that allowed LGBT people to serve in the military without conequence

    a free trade agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada
  • Contract with America

    Contract with America
    bill passed that brought tax relief to the middle class and measures to lower crime in the country
  • Taliban

    Islamic terrorist organization founded in Afganistan
  • Newt Gingrich

    Newt Gingrich
    first republican speaker of the house in 40 years, he supported the contract with America
  • Oklahoma city bombing

    Oklahoma city bombing
    domestic terrorist that blew up a truck in the city, marking it the most deadly homegrown terror attack in history killing 168 people, in response to anti-government sentiments
  • WTO

    world trade organization that regulates international trade
  • Ross Perot

    Ross Perot
    US presidential independent candidate who lost to Bill Clinton, founder of Electronic Data Systems
  • Welfare Reform

    Welfare Reform
    the personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act, bill that reduced government spending on welfare and eventually required proof of citizenship
  • Bob Dole

    Bob Dole
    Republican presidential candidate from Kansas, lost to Bill Clinton
  • Madeleine Albright

    Madeleine Albright
    the first woman to become the US secretary of state and was appointed by Bill Clinton
  • G-8

    group of 8 inter-government political forum from 1993-1997
  • Clinton Impeachment

    Clinton Impeachment
    Bill Clinton was impeached for having sexual relations with his former White house intern in the oval office
  • Bush v. Gore

    Bush v. Gore
    US Supreme court settled a recount dispute that elected George w. Bush in 2000
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    served as the 43rd president of the US
  • Bush Tax Cuts

    Bush Tax Cuts
    changes to the US tax policy that lasted into the Obama administration
  • 9/11

    series of 4 terror attacks by commercial plane, crashing into the world trade center, the pentagon and a failed attempt at the white house
  • Osama Bin Laden

    Osama Bin Laden
    founder of Al Qaeda and mastermind behind the 2001 terror attacks
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    provides money for extra educational assistance for poor children in return for the academic improvement
  • Homeland Security

    Homeland Security
    cabinet of the US government in charge of public safety
  • Axis of Evil

    Axis of Evil
    Governments that Bush's administration described terror supporting governments as
  • WMD's

    Weapons of mass destruction (Nuclear bombs, chemical or biological weapons
  • Operation Iraqi freedom

    Operation Iraqi freedom
    armed conflict with the US invasion of Iraq that over threw Saddam Husein
  • Abu Ghrailb Prison

    Abu Ghrailb Prison
    people of the US army and CIA that committed human rights violations against detainees of the prison
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Deadly hurricane that tore through New Orleans and left thousands without homes
  • Great Recession

    Great Recession
    world market decline that came close to matching the great depression
  • Barrack Obama

    Barrack Obama
    44th president of the US and the first African American president
  • Housing Bubble

    Housing Bubble
    increase in house prices fueled by demand, and speculatio
  • Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
    government sponsored enterprises, privately owned but get money from the government, purpose was to create stability in the housing market
  • John McCain

    John McCain
    Republican senator that lost to Obama in the first election
  • Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin
    vice president candidate for John McCain in the presidential election
  • D.C. v. Heller

    D.C. v. Heller
    supreme court deems the 2nd amendment protects and individuals right to bear arms
  • Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton
    Former first lady and the 67th secretary of state
  • Tea Party

    Tea Party
    movement that was put in place to combat the great recession
  • Sonia Sotomayor

    Sonia Sotomayor
    the first Hispanic justice in the US supreme court
  • Dodd-Frank Act

    Dodd-Frank Act
    act that put regulations on the financial industry
  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care Act
    universal health care for Americans, but prices were too high to succeed
  • Arab Spring

    Arab Spring
    series of violent and non-violent revolutionary demonstrations in north Africa
  • Citizens United

    Citizens United
    organization that regulates campaign spending by organizations
  • Syrian Civil War

    Syrian Civil War
    many sided civil war in Syria starting with anti-government demonstrations and riots
  • Mitt Romney

    Mitt Romney
    Republican nominee for the presidency and the 70th Governor of Mass.
  • John Kerry

    John Kerry
    68th Us secretary of state
  • Debt Ceiling

    Debt Ceiling
    maximum amount of money the government can borrow, government shutdown for 16 days because they would not raise the ceiling
  • Shelby County v. Holder

    Shelby County v. Holder
    Shelby county called a portion of the voting rights act of 1965 unconstitutional
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    terror attack on the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and injuring hundreds
  • Same Sex Marriage

    Same Sex Marriage
    US supreme court declares that same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states