Period 7 Timeline 3

  • Modernism

    They took a historical and critical view of certain passages in the bible and believed they could accept Darwin's theory of evolution without abandoning their religious faith.
  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth
    Babe Ruth was a famous baseball player who was on the Yankees. He was one of the first superstar. He also set many records that would take to break.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    It was the banning of manufacture,sale,and transportation of alcoholic beverages.
  • Claude McKay

    Claude McKay
    Was a poet who was a major figure in the Harlem Renaissance movement. If we must die is a famous poem written him
  • Weak Farm Economy

    Weak Farm Economy
    The prosperity of 1920s never reached farmers,who had suffered from overproduction,high debt, and low prices since the end of WW1.
  • Radio

    The radio was a new medium of mass communication and entertainment. Famous organization include National Broadcasting and Columbia Broad casting system were famous broadcasters,
  • Hollywood

    The movie industry center in Hollywood became big business in the 1920. Going to the movie became a national habit in the U.
  • Jack Dempsey

    Jack Dempsey
    He was an american heavyweight boxing champion and was praise by many by the peak of professional fighting, He held his title from 1919 to 1926.
  • Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes
    He was an African American poet who described the rich culture of African American life using rhythms influenced by jazz. He also wrote about the major impact on the Harlem Renaissance
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Harlem section of New York City became famous for it's concentration of talented actors, artist, musicals and writers.
  • Speakeasies

    speakeasies where was bootleg liquor was sold. City police and judges were paid to look the other way from speakeasies.
  • Jazz

    Jazz music was brought north by African American musicians and it became a symbol of the new and modern culture of the city
  • Lost Generation

    Lost Generation
    There were a group of writers in 1920 who shared the belief they were lost in a greedy,materialistic world that lacked moral values.
  • Fundamentalism

    They had Protestant preacher in rural areas condemned the modernists and taught that every word in the bible must be accepted as literally true.
  • President Warren Harding

    President Warren Harding
    He was person who thought the U.S wanted to return to normalcy. He had little presidential ability. He appointed several capable to his cabinet such as Charles Evans Hughes.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Sectary of the Interior Albert B.Fall got profit from Secret leasing to the private oil companies of government oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming
  • Ohio Gang

    Ohio Gang
    There were a group of politicians who achieved high office during Warren G.Harding and they betrayed his trust through scandals.
  • Quota Laws

    Quota Laws
    These were two laws that limted immigration by setting quotas base on nationality. First act limited immigration to 3% of foreign-born personas from a given nation counted in 1910. The second quota of 2 percent based on the Census of 1890.
  • Case of Sacco and Vanzetti

    Case of Sacco and Vanzetti
    Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanazetti were two Italian immigrants who had been convicted of committing robbery and murder. Liberals protested that the two men are innocent and they were sentenced to death because they were immigrants.They were executed in 1927.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    The Dawes Plan provided short-term economic benefits to the German economy and softened the burden of war reparations.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    John Scopes was being trailed because teaching evolution in a Tennessee public school which the Butler act made illegal. This trail feature two well know orators William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow as opponents. John Scopes end up losing and was fined.
  • Butler Act

    Butler Act
    Due to the theory of evolution being a controversial concept at the time. The anti-evolutionist mange to pass a effort called the Butler Act that made teaching evolution a misdemeanor.
  • Countee Cullen

    Countee Cullen
    Countee Cullen was important figure during Harlem Renaissance with his poetry. One of his most famous poems are Yet Do I Marvel that helped define what it meant to black in american after the first world war.
  • F.Scott Fitzgerald

    F.Scott Fitzgerald
    He wrote the book called the The Great Gatsby which many consider to be a masterpiece is about Nick Caraway was the Gatsby's neighbor
  • Black Thursday and Black Tuesday

    Black Thursday and Black Tuesday
    There was unprecedented volume of selling on Wall Street and stock prices plunged. In order to fight off stabilizing prices a group of bankers bought millions dollars of stock. It work for one day but on Tuesday it went down.
  • Federal Farm Board

    Federal Farm Board
    The board was authorized to help farmers stabilize price by temporarily holding surplus grain and cotton in storage
  • Agricultural Marketing Act

    Agricultural Marketing Act
    This act provided for a form of relief for farmers by creating a Federal Farm Board which was designed to stabilize farm crop prices.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    It was a worldwide economic downturn. It was longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized western world sparking change in economic theory.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    It was the name given to the drought-stricken southern plans region of the U.S. which suffered from severe dust storms during a dry period in the 1930.
  • Cause of the Dust Bowl

    Cause of the Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl was caused by several economic and agricultural factors,including federal land polices, change in regional weather,farm economics,and other cultural factors
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff
    It was a tariff that raised import duties to protect american business and farmers,adding considerable strain to the Great Depression and discourage foreign trade
  • Debt Moratorium

    Debt Moratorium
    The Dawes Plan for collecting war debts could no longer continue. Hoover proposed moratorium(suspension) on the payment of international debts.
  • Reconstruction Fiance Corporation

    Reconstruction Fiance Corporation
    This agency became the government leading bank and was designed to provide indirect relief by assisting insurance companies,banks,agricultural organizations, and railroad
  • Glass-Steal Act

    Glass-Steal Act
    It established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and included banking reforms,some of which were designed to control speculation reaction to deal with the Stock market crash.
  • National Industrial Recovery act

    National Industrial Recovery act
    A new deal legislation that focused on the employment of the unemployed and the regulation of unfair business ethics. The NIRA pumped cash into economy to stimulate the job markers.
  • Liberal Critics

    Liberal Critics
    Socialists and extreme liberals in the democratic party criticized the New deal for doing too much for business and too little for the unemployed and the working poor.
  • Demagogues

    Many critics played upon the American people's desperate need for immediate solutions to their problems. They used the radio to reach a mass audience and proposed simplistic schemes for ending "evil conspiracies".
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    It first year of operation under Hopkins, it employed 3.4 million men and women who formerly been on relief rolls of the state. It paid double the relief rate but less than normal.
  • National Youth Administration

    National Youth Administration
    It provided part-time jobs to help young people stay in high school and college or until they could get a job with a private employer.
  • Resttlement Administration

    Resttlement Administration
    Place under direction of Brain trust,Rexford Tugwell, the Resettlement administration provided loans to sharecroppers,tenants, and small farmers
  • National Labor Relations(Wagner)

    National Labor Relations(Wagner)
    This act guaranteed a worker right to join a union and a union's right to bargain collectively.
  • Rural Electrification Administration

    Rural Electrification Administration
    This new agency provided loans for electrical cooperatives to supply power in rural arenas
  • Federal Taxes

    Federal Taxes
    significantly increased the tax on the incomes of the wealthy few. It also increased the tax on large gifts from parent to child and on capital gain
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    It created an federal insurance program based upon the automatic collection of payments from employees and employers throughout people's working careers.
  • Agricultural Adjustment act

    Agricultural Adjustment act
    It restricted crop production to reduce crop surplus, goal was to reduce surplus to raise value of crops.
  • The Election of 1936

    The Election of 1936
    The economy was slowly getting better but it was unstable. Because of the New Deal programs and active style of leadership. Roosevelt was popular among workers and small farmers however business dislike him
  • Alf Landon

    Alf Landon
    He challenged Roosevelt as the republican nominee. He criticized democrats for spending too much money but in general accepted most of the new deal legislation
  • Pablo Picasso

    Pablo Picasso
    He was a famous Spanish painter,sculptor,print maker and much more his most famous painting was the Guernica and the painting had great antiwar statements.
  • Ernest Hemingway

    Ernest Hemingway
    He wrote several books with one of his most popular books being For Whom the Bell Tolls. For Whom the Bell Tolls is a story about Robert Jordan a young american during the Spanish american war.
  • Duke Ellington

    Duke Ellington
    Duke Ellington was one of the leading figures of jazz in the 20th century. He played large impact on the evolution of jazz.
  • Louis Armstrong

    Louis Armstrong
    He played using a triumphant and he laid the foundation for modern jazz. One of his more famous songs Lie Vie En Rose came out on 1947.