Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
First social reform program that linked religion with secular issues -
Interstate Commerce Act
Law that made sure railroad rates were reasonable but not required to be fixed by government -
Sherman Antitrust Act
law to outlaw trust to stop big business -
national american woman suffrage association
Focused on gaining women suffrage led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton -
How the Other Half Lives
Book written by Jacob Riis that exposes the harsh life of the slums -
Anti-Saloon League
lobbied for prohibition in Ohio -
Ida B. Wells
First Black Women to keep name in marriage and in Civil Rights Movement and founded NAACP -
Square Deal Policy
Theo Rosevelt's Policy to protect consumers. -
Anthracite Coal Strike
PA workers who fought for higher wages and to verify their labor union -
Lincoln Steffens
refer former in Progressive area and help expose bribery (Tweed Days) "The Shame of Cities -
Northern Securities Antitrust
Railroad trust that formed an monopoly (JP Morgan) and was dissolved by Congressed -
Elkins Act
Amended the Interstate Commerce Act and gave fines to railroads who offered rebates -
Department of Commerce and Labor
promote welfare for workers. -
Ida Tarbell
Started investigating journalism and The History of the Standard Oil Company which broke the oil trust -
Pure Food and Drug Act
Law against selling mislabeled or poisonous substances -
meat inspection act
Outlawed miss branded meats and food from being sold and garentees sanitatation -
The Jungle
Book written by Upton Sinclair which exposed harsh lives of immigrants -
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Fire that caused the death of 123 women and 23 men -
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
Third Party (Theo roosevelt) after he lost to Taft -
17th Amendment
Direct election of senators -
Underwood Tariff
Revenue Act of 1913 - bring back fed income tax -
Federal Reserve Act
U.S can issue federal notes (money) -
Clayton Antitrust Act
protect against trusts and monopolies -
Federal Trade Commission
anti trust and consumer protection by the government -
Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
help to stop child labor abuse and overstepped governments power to regulate commerce -
Margaret Sanger
First person to open birth control clinic -
19th Amendment
women can vote -
18th Amendment
banned sale and drinking of alcohol -
John Dewey
education and social reformer. Hands on learning -
Robert La Follette
Progressive politician who forwarded the progressive movement -
Eugene V. Debs
Started the Brother Hood of local Firemen and jailed for being agaist wwi