Period 7 Part 3 (roaring 20ś, Great Depression)

By 4000424
  • Religion 1

    Religion 1
    There was a division among the protestants, modernism accepted Darwin's theory, but still believed in there faith.
  • Religion 2

    Religion 2
    Fundamentalists believed and taught every word in the Bible must be accepted as true and there were revivalists who preached fundamentalist message through the radio.
  • Economy 2

    Economy 2
    New technologies led to surpluses causing in falling prices and farmers into greater debt.
  • African America Identity 1

    African America Identity 1
    Garvey advocated individual and racial pride for African Americans and developed political ideas for black nationalism.
  • African American Identity 5

    African American Identity 5
    UNIA was formed in Harlem by Garvey, it inspired people in later generations by endorsing racial pride and self-respect.
  • Culture 1

    Culture 1
    Youth expressed their rebellion to elderś culture by dancing to jazz music. Jazz brought a new and modern culture.
  • Economy 1

    Economy 1
    Business boomed due to increased productivity from the use of assembly line.
  • Literature 3

    Literature 3
    Leading Harlem poets expressed a range of emotions, from bitterness and resentment to joy and hope.
  • Prohibition 1

    Prohibition 1
    Congress passed the 18th amendment due to war time concerns to conserve grain and maintain a sober workforce.
  • Immigration 1

    Immigration 1
    Nativists feared that the immigrants might foment revolution and also feared competition for jobs.
  • Politics 5

    Politics 5
    Republicans accepted limited government regulation as an aid to stabilizing business instead of teaching laissez-faire.
  • Politics 4

    Politics 4
    Harding, a republican, campaigned ¨return to normalcy¨ and won the election.
  • Economy 3

    Economy 3
    Government favored growth of big business by offering corporate tax cuts.
  • Economic 4

    Economic 4
    Labor unions declined because of open shops and welfare capitalism.
  • Literature 4

    Literature 4
    People like Gertrude Stein called these writers a ¨lost generation¨.
  • Literature 5

    Literature 5
    Fitzgerald reveals the negative side of era´s gaiety, Millay celebrates youth and independence, and other writers wrote about war and American culture.
  • Culture 4

    Culture 4
    Hollywood became big business as going to the movies became a national habit. Americans shifted their viewpoint and adapted role models as celebrities on sports page and movie screen.
  • African American Identity 4

    African American Identity 4
    In Harlem African American culture manifesting in literature, music, stage performance, and art.
  • Politics 3

    Politics 3
    Harding established the Bureau of Budget, with procedures for all government expenditures to be placed in a single budget for Congress to review and vote on.
  • Immigration 2

    Immigration 2
    The first quota act was passed to limit immigration to 3% then the second quota act set it to 2% based on the Census of 1890.
  • Politics 2

    Politics 2
    Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act- a reduction in income tax and an increase in tariff rates.
  • Culture 2

    Culture 2
    Advertising increased as business found that consumers´ demand for new products could be manipulated by appealing to their desired for status and popularity.
  • Culture 3

    Culture 3
    The radio become super popular. Millions listened to the radio for broadcasts, sporting events, soap operas, quiz shows, and comedies.
  • Politics 1

    Politics 1
    Coolidge won election of 1924 and little was accomplished then Alfred Hoover won against Coolidge; Alfred Hoover campaigned for end of poverty in election of 1928.
  • Cultures

    Automobiles affected all the Americans did: shopping, traveling, and commuting to work. The average American family held one nearly one car.
  • Stock Market Crash 1

    Stock Market Crash 1
    There was an unprecedented volume of selling on Wall Street and investors ordered their brokers to sell and there was no buyers.
  • Stock Market 2

    Stock Market 2
    Stock prices kept increasing, so millions of people invested in the boom market, however, millions lost their money when it collapsed.
  • Herbert Hoover's Policies

    Herbert Hoover's Policies
    He believed the nation could get through hard times if people took his advice about exercising voluntary action and restraint.
  • Economy 5

    Economy 5
    Economic growth increased due to the use of oil and electricity. Electric motors in factories and new appliances at home increased electrical generation.
  • Literature 1

    Literature 1
    Lots of writes scorned religion as hypocritical condemning the sacrifices of wartime as a fraud perpetrated by money interest.
  • Literature 2

    Literature 2
    Writers expressed disillusionment with ideals of earlier time with materialism of a business-oriented culture.
  • African American Identity 2

    African American Identity 2
    African Americans faced discrimination in housing and jobs, but their material standard of living and earnings improved.
  • African Americans Identity 3

    African Americans Identity 3
    Most African Americans lived in the south, but during this time many of them migrated north. A black community developed in Harlem.
  • Herbert Hoover's Policies 1

    Herbert Hoover's Policies 1
    Hoover urged businesses not to cut wages, unions not to strike, and private charities to increase their efforts for the needy and jobless.
  • Dust Bowl 1

    Dust Bowl 1
    Poor farming practices couples with high winds blew away millions of tons of dried topsoil.
  • Dust Bowl 2

    Dust Bowl 2
    With farms turned into dust, thousands of people migrated to California in search of farm or factory work.
  • New Deal Programs 1

    New Deal Programs 1
    He campaigned for the three R's: relief for people out of work, recovery for business and economy as a whole, and reform of American economic institutions.
  • Prohibition 2

    Prohibition 2
    Bootleggers smuggled alcohol and gangs made millions from sale of illegal booze which expanded other illegal activities, resulting in the 21st amendment which repealed the 18th amendment.
  • New Deal Program 2

    New Deal Program 2
    Roosevelt ordered the banks to close for a bank holiday and reopen after the government had reorganized them on a sound basis.
  • New Deal Programs 3

    New Deal Programs 3
    He promised to repeal prohibition and raised needed tax money by passing the Beer-Wine Revenue Act.
  • New Deal Program 4

    New Deal Program 4
    He convinced the Congress to pass his financial recovery programs: emergency banking relief act, federal deposit insurance corporation, home owners loan corporation, and farm credit administration.
  • New Deal Program 5

    New Deal Program 5
    He helped the needs of unemployed workers like the federal emergency relief administration offered outright grants to state and local government that offered forms of relief for the jobless and homeless.
  • New Deal Program 6

    New Deal Program 6
    National Recovery Administration guaranteed reasonable profits for business and fair wages and hours for labor. Also, it gave the workers the right to organize and bargain collectively.
  • New Deal Program 12

    New Deal Program 12
    Another new law took America off the gold standard in order to halt deflation. Paper dollars were no longer redeemable in gold.
  • New Deal Program 13

    New Deal Program 13
    Securities and Exchange Commission was created to regulate the stock market and place strict limits on the type of speculative practices that led to the stock market crash.
  • New Deal Program 7

    New Deal Program 7
    The second new deal was launched. Relief programs like Works Progress Administration which spent billions of dollars to provide people with jobs; employed 3.4 millions people.
  • New Deal Program 8

    New Deal Program 8
    Resettlement Administration provided loans to sharecroppers, tenants, and small farmers and established federal camps.
  • New Deal Program 9

    New Deal Program 9
    National Labor Relations Act replaced the National Industrial Recovery Act in which guaranteed a worker's right to join a union. Also, it outlawed any unfair business practices to labor.
  • New Deal Program 10

    New Deal Program 10
    A revenue act significantly increased the tax on large gifts from parent to child and on capital gains.
  • New Deal Program 11

    New Deal Program 11
    The Social Security Act created a federal insurance program based upon the automatic collection of taxes from employees and employers throughout people's working career.