Period 6 Timeline

By mxxa.e
  • 1997 BCE

    Transfer of British Hong Kong to China

  • 1991 BCE

    Collapse of USSR

  • 1990 BCE

    Persian Gulf War

  • 1990 BCE

    Reunification of Germany

  • 1989 BCE

    Soviet Withdrawal from Apghanistan

  • 1980 BCE

    Iran-Iraq War

  • 1978 BCE

    Revolution in Iran

  • 1964 BCE

    Creation of PLO

  • 1961 BCE

    Construction of Berlin Wall

  • 1961 BCE

    US troops in Vietnam

  • 1960 BCE

    Sino-soviet Rift

  • 1959 BCE

    Castro Comes to Power in Cuba

  • 1958 BCE

    Great Leap Forward in China

  • 1956 BCE

    Suez Crisis

  • 1956 BCE

    Uprising in Hungary

  • 1955 BCE

    Establishment of Warsaw Pact

  • 1954 BCE

    Algerian War of Liberation

  • 1954 BCE

    French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu

  • 1950 BCE

    Korean War

  • 1949 BCE

    Establishment of NATO

  • 1949 BCE

    Establishment of People's Republic of China

  • 1948 BCE

    Apartheid in South Africa

  • 1948 BCE

    Arab-Israeli War

  • 1948 BCE

    Creation of Israel

  • 1948 BCE

    Division of Berlin and German

  • 1947 BCE

    Partition of India

  • 1945 BCE

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • 1945 BCE

    Capture of Berlin and Soviet Forces

  • 1945 BCE

    Establishment of United Nations

  • 1944 BCE

    D-Day, Allied Invasion of Normandy

  • 1942 BCE

    Soviet victory of Stalingrad

  • 1941 BCE

    German Invasion of USSR

  • 1939 BCE

    Invasion of Poland by Germany

  • 1938 BCE

    Cardenas nationalized oil industry in Mexico

  • 1938 BCE

    German Anschluss with Austria

  • 1937 BCE

    Invasion of China by Japan

  • 1936 BCE

    Stalin's "Great Purge"

  • 1934 BCE

    Hitler is Ruler in Germany

  • 1934 BCE

    Long March by Chinese Communists

  • 1931 BCE

    Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

  • 1930 BCE

    Civil Disobedient Movement in India

  • 1929 BCE

    US Stock Market Crash

  • 1928 BCE

    First Soviet 5 Year Plan

  • 1923 BCE

    Ataturk Proclaims Republic of Turkey

  • 1921 BCE

    Lenin's New Economic Policy

  • 1920 BCE

    First Meeting League of Nations

  • 1919 BCE

    Mussolini Launches

  • 1919 BCE

    Paris Peace Conference

  • 1918 BCE

    Civil War in Russia

  • 1918 BCE

    Treaty of Brest-Livosk

  • 1917 BCE

    Bolshevik Revolution

  • 1915 BCE

    Gallipoli Campaign

  • 1915 BCE

    German Resemption

  • 1915 BCE

    Japan 21 Demands

  • 1915 BCE

    May Fourth

  • 1914 BCE

    Assassination of Archduke

  • Period: 1914 BCE to 1997 BCE

    Period 6 Timeline

  • Apartheid in South Africa