1997 BCE
Transfer of British Hong Kong to China
1991 BCE
Collapse of USSR
1990 BCE
Persian Gulf War
1990 BCE
Reunification of Germany
1989 BCE
Soviet Withdrawal from Apghanistan
1980 BCE
Iran-Iraq War
1978 BCE
Revolution in Iran
1964 BCE
Creation of PLO
1961 BCE
Construction of Berlin Wall
1961 BCE
US troops in Vietnam
1960 BCE
Sino-soviet Rift
1959 BCE
Castro Comes to Power in Cuba
1958 BCE
Great Leap Forward in China
1956 BCE
Suez Crisis
1956 BCE
Uprising in Hungary
1955 BCE
Establishment of Warsaw Pact
1954 BCE
Algerian War of Liberation
1954 BCE
French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu
1950 BCE
Korean War
1949 BCE
Establishment of NATO
1949 BCE
Establishment of People's Republic of China
1948 BCE
Apartheid in South Africa
1948 BCE
Arab-Israeli War
1948 BCE
Creation of Israel
1948 BCE
Division of Berlin and German
1947 BCE
Partition of India
1945 BCE
Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
1945 BCE
Capture of Berlin and Soviet Forces
1945 BCE
Establishment of United Nations
1944 BCE
D-Day, Allied Invasion of Normandy
1942 BCE
Soviet victory of Stalingrad
1941 BCE
German Invasion of USSR
1939 BCE
Invasion of Poland by Germany
1938 BCE
Cardenas nationalized oil industry in Mexico
1938 BCE
German Anschluss with Austria
1937 BCE
Invasion of China by Japan
1936 BCE
Stalin's "Great Purge"
1934 BCE
Hitler is Ruler in Germany
1934 BCE
Long March by Chinese Communists
1931 BCE
Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
1930 BCE
Civil Disobedient Movement in India
1929 BCE
US Stock Market Crash
1928 BCE
First Soviet 5 Year Plan
1923 BCE
Ataturk Proclaims Republic of Turkey
1921 BCE
Lenin's New Economic Policy
1920 BCE
First Meeting League of Nations
1919 BCE
Mussolini Launches
1919 BCE
Paris Peace Conference
1918 BCE
Civil War in Russia
1918 BCE
Treaty of Brest-Livosk
1917 BCE
Bolshevik Revolution
1915 BCE
Gallipoli Campaign
1915 BCE
German Resemption
1915 BCE
Japan 21 Demands
1915 BCE
May Fourth
1914 BCE
Assassination of Archduke
Period: 1914 BCE to 1997 BCE
Period 6 Timeline
Apartheid in South Africa