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Period 6 1865-1898

  • Civil War Ends

    Civil War Ends
    The war ending meant that reconstruction was sure on its way and improvements in the country would be made. This also meant that jobs and new businesses would be opening as many soldiers could now work and farms were destroyed.
  • 14th Amendment Ratified

    14th Amendment Ratified
    This is very significant as the amendment allowed all rights to everyone including African Americans, women, and other minorities. This was one goal that many in the civil war fought for and exemplified that the nation would improve.
  • Standard Oil Company is Organized

    Standard Oil Company is Organized
    This company was started by John D. Rockefeller and brought the oil industry up by using great marketing for jobs and usage instead of using electricity. The company was a horizontal and vertical integration based company/monopoly and had enough power to control workers, government, and many other businesses. This company was a great factor in labor unions as many of the workers were being injured constantly and had little wages.
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

    Members of the Union Pacific Railroad form the Credit Mobilier company to make more profit and gave stocks to Vice President Colfax and President Grant. This showed that corruption was constant in government and ended much of reconstruction.
  • Panic of 1873

    Due to the growth of industries, the market crashed under the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant. Farmers supported inflation and silver coinage where-as city workers faced low wages and formed strikes. This later influenced many labor unions.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Many Republicans fought for more freedom and rights for African Americans in public facilities as well in a jury. However, republicanism was dying off and this act was not taken very seriously by others and African Americans sadly never got the freedom they deserved till a while later.
  • Haymarket Square Bombing

    Haymarket Square Bombing
    A bomb went off in Chicago during a labor demonstration from the Knights of Labor, killing several officers and civilians. This had a negative impact on labor unions as it left an image that many workers were hostile and didn't deserve an 8-hour workday and better, safer working conditions.
  • Period 6 1865-1898

    This period goes over how the country deals with the aftermath of the Civil War. Along the way, new companies and industries form and cause a ruckus throughout the nation.