Period: 527 to 565
Reign of Justinian
Period: 570 to 632
Life of Muhammad (pbuh)
Period: 589 to 618
Sui Dynasty in China
Period: 618 to 907
Tang Dynasty in China
Muhammad's (pbuh) Hajj
Period: 661 to 750
Umayyad Dynasty
Period: 669 to 907
Silla Dynasty in KOrea
Period: 670 to 1025
King of Srivijaya
Period: 710 to 794
Nara Period in Japan
Conquest of Sind by Umayyad forces
Period: 750 to 1258
Abbasid Dynasty
Period: 850 to 1267
Chola Dynasty
Period: 889 to 1431
Kingdom of Angkor
Period: 960 to 976
Song Dynasty in China
First Issuance of Government sponsored paper money in China
Seljuk control over the Abbasid Dynasty
Period: 1185 to 1333
Kamakura Period in Japan
Period: 1206 to 1526
Sultanate of Delhi
Period: 1336 to 1565
KIngdom of Vijayanagar