(5 billion years ago)
The solar system became a swirling mass of space dust. -
(4.6 billion years ago)
The Earth begins to form from gathering space debris. -
(4 billion years ago)
Earth has begun to fully from. -
(between 1700-1800's)
the United States Constitution was formed. -
(3 billion years ago)
The first fossil evidence dates back to this time period. -
(3.5 billion years ago)
The first marine photosynthesis begiins -
(2.2 billion years ago
Lots of available O2 in atmosphere.
Oxygen had been building up by photosynthesizing organisms, but chemical processes used most of it. -
(2-1.5 billion years ago)
first eukaryotes apperared around 1.5 billion years ago. -
(2 billion years ago
oxygen levels have reached todays levels. -
(1 billion years ago)
By this time a complete ecosystem would have been formed by now, cosisting of lgae who produced, the protozoa consumed, and fungi and most bacteria decomposed. -
Sebastian Bach wrote and composed music. -
The American constitution was written. -
Alexzander I. Oparin and John B. S. Haldane- thought the early atmosphere contained ammonia, NH3: Hydrogen gas, water vapor, and compounds made of hydrogen and carbon such as methane. -
Thomas Cech discovered ribosomes
Urey and Miller-
Concluded that organic compounds might only have been possible in areas protected from the atmosphere, such as undersea hot springs. Fox- was a scientist that did extensive research on physical structures that could've given rise to the first cells. These structures are microspheres and coacervates.
Radiometric dating- The method of establishing the age of materials was created. It is in important in finding out how and when the Earth formed