• Television

    I distinctly recall how much I cherished watching cartoons before I went to school back in 2011. This includes Mickey Mouse, Doraemon, and the Power puff Girls. Since this is my one and only favorite hobby, I also did this frequently even my mom scolded me because she wants me to sleep after school. For me, watching television—alone or with someone else—keeps the downtime from being too monotonous.
  • Period: to


    Surprisingly, the evolution of media in my life astounds me. Whatever form of media I used—traditional or new—I learned something that would help me develop and meet my needs in life. Along with the rapidly evolving media, this enables me to engage in more modern world interaction. This made me realize that I shouldn't use it only for my own purposes. But also, to create something small but with a big result. And that is to give importance to it and know the limits while utilizing.
  • Keypad Mobile

    Keypad Mobile
    It was at this time that my aunt gave me this type of phone as a reward for maintaining good grades. She asks me and we come to an arrangement because she is aware that I desire a personal phone. She said to me that she will purchase a phone for me if I continue to get high grades. I therefore tried my best to retain my marks because at that point I really wanted a phone for playing games. Subsequently, I simply seize the opportunity.
  • Computer

    This time, I'm an elementary school graduate. I frequented the computer shop close to my house after school three or four times a week to rent computer. I enjoy using softwares and playing online video games like Roblox and Minecraft. Because of this pastime I learned to go to computer shop without my mother's consent. Despite my quips, this aids in my learning how to use or interact with contemporary technology.
  • Cellular phone

    Cellular phone
    My parents have just given me my first ever phone so that we can communicate easily. Since I was a junior in high school at that time, my phone was crucial in a variety of ways. In the first place, this allows connectivity, particularly in distant places. Second, the price of books is unexpectedly high considering that I attend a private institution. However, I can still access digital learning materials using my phone as a backup.
  • Tablet

    My mother surprised me with this very first tablet for my 14th birthday. By using this tablet, I discover more about using media. For me, this tablet is fun to use for editing photos and videos. Also, I reach the realization that I am reliant on this kind of material. Thus, I acquired knowledge and development in modernizing technology at a young age together with media development.
  • Cellphone

    Many things change and get better as time passes. Similar to how the media is constantly evolving, people can meet their needs instantly. Human as I am, I try to accommodate my demands, thus I carried a new phone. Despite having carried multiple phones, the most recent one was inappropriate for me. But I eventually found the best phone for me.
  • Laptop

    This time I faced pandemic. I am involved in distance learning because of it. With this, all students are required to study at home. But praise God, He provide me this laptop so that it will be easier for me to learn. This laptop plays important role for many ways, especially this mode of learning. Utilizing this type of media aids in my knowledge acquisition and educational pursuits.
  • Books

    Currently, I have a deep fondness for reading books. Despite having read the books before, I wasn't entirely enthralled by them at the time. Also before, I used to invest more time with broadcast and new media than print media, but I can now declare with confidence that I enjoy reading printed books. I assume this is the result of my extensive exposure to modern media, which has made me yearn for something different. Anyway, the majority of the books I've read were motivational and instructive.