percy kills his pre algabra teacher
mrs dodds turns to a monster and tries to kill percy -
percy and his mom go to montauk and grover shows up in a storm
percy hears a nock on the door and it bis grover. -
percy defeats the minotaur,gets a horn, gets to half blood hill.
a minotaur attaks them percy kills it by takeing a hrn and stabs it -
percy meets mr.d and chiron
percy meets mr.d and chiron -
splashes carrise.
percy makes the bathroom water go on clarrise. -
percy throws his dinner in the fire
the whole camp gets food throws it in the fire for the gods -
chiron shows percy around
chiron show him the 12 cabins for the 12 olimpians. -
percy plays capture the flag
after training they play capture the flag and percy wins -
percy is offered a quest
after capture the flag percy gets a quest to return the master bolt -
percy,annebeth,and grover were attacked by the furries
on the bus thhey get attacked by mrs.dodds and her 2 sisters -
percy cutts madusas head off and sends it to olympus.
percy sees medusa at aunty ems and cutts her head off and sends it to olymmpus -
grover finds a chiwawa then they all turn it in for the reward money.
when they wake in the forest grover says he found dog -
percy becomes a known fugutive
people find the car that percy and his mom drove to mauntauk. -
ares buys cheeseburgers for percy annebeth and grover
ares shows up at the diner and buys them cheeseburgers with treat and drachmas -
ares give them a ride in a zoo trailer
after he buys cheese burgers they say they need a ride then he shows them the zoo truck. -
percy has a strainge dream
on the truck he dreams a monster in a pit of darknes -
percy falls out of st.Louise arch into mississippi river.
percyis in the arch trying to kill chimera and echidna butt chimera blasts him threw the side of the arch then falls into the river. -
they gat trapped in lotus casino for 5 days
they dont realize the lotus casino is a trapp to slow them down from returning the master bolt -
they leave the lotus casino
percy realizes every body he asks says it is a different year then they needed to leave -
percy returns the master bolt
percy tells annebeth and grover to go back to camp halfblood and tell chiron the truth if percy dies -
Period: to
luke tries to kill percy
luke gos in the foreest so nobody hears percy wile luke tries to kill him with a squorpian