Edward Verne Roberts
A Strong Leader
-Polio at age 14
-Severe breathing and tissue weakness
-Center for Indepdendent Living
-World Institute on Disability
-Higher Education Act of 1965
-Head of the California State Department of Rehabilitation -
Edward Verne Roberts & UC Berkeley
Fighting for Education
-UC Berkeley in 1962
-Lived in school's medical facility
-Plans for Independent Living
-Aimed for more accomodations, got them -
U.S. Rehibilitation Act of 1973
A New Type of Law
-Protect from discrimiation
-First law of it's kind
-Amended twice since creation
-504: Discrimination in the work place
-Consideration based solely on disability is illegal
-Financial assistance from government -
Passage of Public Law 94.142
-Federal funds for equal opportunities
-Work with handicap children's parents
-Assimilate as much as possible -
ACCD creation and sit-ins
All for One
-Established in 1970
-Local, state, and national organizations
-Nation-wide sit ins and rallies
-Stronger implimentation of Rehabilitation Act of 1973
-Major event
-Attracted major media -
Accomplishments<a href='Accomplishments' >http://isc.temple.edu/neighbor/ds/disabilityrightstimeline.htm</a>
-American Disabled for Public Transit (ADAPT) was founded in 1978. After a year long civil disobedience campaign followed to for a Denver transit that was held hostage to purchase wheelchair lift-equipped buses. -
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
-No discrimination of people with disabilities -
-Conventions to answer common questions
-Fight for equality both mentally and physically
-Mentally becaues we want them to be viewed the same