Event 1: Edward Verne Roberts
At age 14 Ed was diagnosed with Polio.Although he was paralyzed, he graduated from high school. After, he went to a local college and later was accepted into UCB as the 1st disabled student. Since Ed experienced disability discrimination first hand, he became a disabilities activist to improve the way of living for all disabled members of society and students at UBC. His legacy is shown through his programs and his leadership in rehabilitation. -
Event 2: Edward Verne Roberts fights to get support form UC Berkeley in 1962
Since Ed was the first disabled student attending UCB, he wanted to improve the living condition so more students with disabilities would be capable of attending. Ed and other disabled students fought for funding to help make the campus handicap accessible, and for the right to live on their own while also enrolling in and attending classes. He accomplishes this through the Physically Disabled Students Program and the Center for Independent Living. -
Period: to
Disabilities Movement
Event 4: U.S Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504)
Goal: Break down social barriers and integrate disabled individuals into society.
What is it: Act that says no disables will be be excluded, denied, subjected to discrimination under activities/program receiving federal aid. ex. Schools
Effects: Made Rehabilitation Service Administration in the Department of health, education and welfare & promoted respect for disabled. -
Event 5: Passage of Public Law 94.142 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
Education for All Handicapped Children Act. Required all public schools to provide equal education and one free meal a day to students with mental or physical disabilities. -
Event 3: Formation of the ACCD created in 1975 and San Francisco Sit-Ins in 1977
The ACCD stands for the American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities and they were created in the mid 1970's when President Carter's administration stalled their efforts to pass regulations in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. San Francisco riots in April of 1977 were important because protesters argued for 25 days to get their rights. Eventually Section 504 was passed. They closed in 1983 due to insufficient funding -
Event 6: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Passed by congress, this was the first national civil rights law directed towards those with disabilities. It was modeled after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and also Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It was meant to integrate those with disabilities into normal everyday life and give them opportunities that they didn't have access to before the act. -
Event 7: Major Accomplishment of the People with Disabilities Movement
1) Integration: Schools, public areas, jobs.
2) Independence: Independent Living Centers
3) Equal Treatment: Prohibited discrimination
4) Better Accessibility: Transportation and Architecture -
Event 8: Two Problems that the People with Disabilities Movement Fight for Today
1) Stereotypes: People think people with disabilities cannot fend for themselves.
2) Accessibility: Anything from transportation aids like ramps to sports, the access to materials is still limited for people with disabilities.