Ephraim Connor first settler in area, however he had npo claim
settled in section 5, T.3, R.8 S.2 -
Peter Csterline settled in section 32
S.2 -
Col. Samuel Judy buys Connor's improvment
held calim 338 which overlapped T.3, R.8, and T.4, R.8 S.2 -
Frenchman, De Lorm, from Cahokia settled in section 32
S.2 -
Col. Judy builds first brick house
located near Peters Station on Clover Leaf S.1 -
John Cook of Sheperdstown builds first permenent home
S.1 -
Micheal Squiers, frst person to be buried in Collinsville cemetary
S.2 -
Collins bros. Augustus, Anson, William B. and Micheal arrive
form Litchfield Conn, S.1 and S.2 -
Three Collins bros. buy cabin and claim from Cook
S.1 -
Collins bros biuld first meeting house
S.2 -
Deacon William Collins (Collins bros. father), youngest bro. Fredrick and remainder of family jopin them
Collins bros. renaime settelment Unionville
first post office
S.2 -
Town renamed, by election, Collinsville
Collins bros. did not advocate this -
Augustus Collins dies
S.2 -
Mrs. Collins (collins bros mother) dies
Anson and William B. Collins die
S.2 -
Village of Collinsville platted
S.1 -
Deacon Collins dies aged 88
S.2 -
Village charter adopted and trustees elected
S.1 -
Dr. lumaghi sank first coal mine
S.1 -
Collinsville incorporated as a city
S.1 -
Period: to
John Becker elected First Mayor
First town hall built
S.1 -
Census population at 5,224
S.2 -
Collinsville census puts population at 10,607
S.2 -
commisoin form of gov't adopted
S.1 -
3,000 out of 9,800 people were coal miners
S.1 -
Collinsville becomes bedroom community
S.1 -
gov't changed to council-manager