Jan 1, 1492
Columbian Exchange Began
Jun 1, 1492
This disease traveled from the old world to the new world. Many native americans became affected because their immune system was low -
Jan 1, 1493
Malaria is a disease that spread from the new world to the old world, this is spread through blood, but most commonly through mosquito bites. This disease knocked out many native americans. -
Jan 1, 1493
Yellow Fever
Yellow Fever was first transmitted to the New World from the Old World by the slave trade and killed many people because it was a new disease that they had never been introduced to before. This is usually transmitted through mosquito bites. -
Apr 7, 1493
This was transmitted from the New World to the Old World. It was transmitted from the Native Americans to Europeans -
Jan 1, 1495
New World to Old World, which was spread through sexual contact. This is thought to be because of Africans and slavery. This causes burns, sores, body rashes etc. -
Jan 1, 1516
Old World to the New World which is caused by unsanitary conditions and is spread by insects. -
Jan 7, 1517
New World from the Old World, the flu is a disease that is fatal. It was mostly transmitted through direct contact from explorers and colonists. -
Jan 1, 1518
Smallpox is a very dangerous disease that originated in the Old World and was transmitted to the New World. Direct contact with those who have the disease and their bodily fluids can pass it on.