First Graphite found
It is thought that at 1500, graphite was found. -
Advancement in Pencil Design
A couple realized they could hollow wood. Soon after, people realized they can use two wood halves. -
Discovery of Graphite
They found large amounts of Graphite, used in pencils to draw. Some sources say that Graphite was actually first found in 1500. -
Better Graphite
In 1662, a way to make graphite powder into sticks was found. -
Method of reconstituting Graphite Found
In 1662, Italy found a way to reconstruct graphite. -
Pencils to America
First Wood Pencils
Creation of a wood Pencil
Eraser Attached
March 30, 1858, Hymen Lipman created a patent for attaching an eraser on a pencil. -
The Pencil Now
Now, these have different colors, types, shapes, classifications, and much more. The pencil had gone through many more events, too many for me to put in. Right now with the current events, it feels that pencils don't exist, as many things are done online right now.