Unofficial creation of Twitter and Facebook pages
Period: to
PEN Social Media
Pre-Planning until Nov 28, 2011: define objectives, create PEN Social Media Plan Coles Notes
PEN eNews published announcing PEN social media activities
First tweet and Facebook post; 48 Likes
PEN Team Meeting re: Intro to Social Media and PEN Plan
Daily process for monitoring social media; 54 Likes
Education and Learning monthly newsletter
- Feb 13, PEN access:193 FB, 73 TW, 0 LinkedIn
77 Likes; 19 Talking About; 522 Reach
Meeting with Samantha, Ryerson re: PEN SM evaluation
until Feb. 19, 2012 - Kerri did the social media posts
PEN eNews published; 199 Likes, 32 Talking; 594 Reach
DC Education and Learning Newsletter contribution
- Mar 13; PEN access: 150 FB; 19 TW; 4 LinkedIn
Hootsuite University Training Kristyn, Jayne and Beth
DC Social Media meeting in Toronto
Jayne presented PEN SM to MT
Nutrition Month myths - posted throughout the month
Create PEN Linked In account
451 Likes; 56 Talking; 1610 reach; Target 300 Likes
Current Issues - Social Media
- Apr 13; PEN access: 377 FB, 13 TW; 9 LinkedIn
various articles on social media read by Kristyn
Webinar - How e-Listening Can Change the Way You Do Business
Pinterest and Google + compare and contrast
PEN eNews published
559 Likes; 51 Talking; 1758 Reach
- May 13; PEN access: 297 FB, 70 TW; 31 LinkedIn
Build capacity for LinkedIn, background document; post, 9 followers
examine Twitter followers, follow some
DAA social media strategy received, publish in PEN eNews
Initial report from Samantha re: PEN Social Media Evaluation
515 Likes; 46 Talking; 2,272 Reach; 437 Twitter